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4 Million Views – The Awakening World Truth Summit Part III; A race against time


 “If you kick God out, then the devil remains,” words of wisdom from world-famous pastor Arthur Pawlowski who is known virally for the words “GET OUT,” which he used to evict the health official and her police entourage from his church here in Canada. He was one of the final guest speakers on day one of The Awakening World Truth Summit Part III, A Race Against Time. The team at TCN.video and the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper organized the two-day summit, and they did not disappoint.

Day one started out with award-winning medical journalist Dr. Michael Yeadon, who was the V. P. and chief scientist at Pfizer for a number of years. If there were a man that Big Pharma would be nervous about, this would be your guy. It could be why his interview was significantly disrupted during the summit, so much that the hosts Brandon V, and Simone Jennifer Smith had to arrange to interview him on another day.

Since leaving Big-Pharma and denouncing the myth of the so-called “injection for the world” that was created to piggyback on the virus scheme, Yeadon has made many false prophets very uncomfortable. There have been hit pieces written about him, he has been called a spreader of disinformation, and he has been ridiculed on places like Twitter which seems to be a popular trend these days depending on one’s views.

All this and more has not been able to deter this scientist in his quest to let the world know that they were and are still being lied to by the pharmaceutical companies, politicians and a handful of want to be slave masters.

A recent hit piece about Yeadon revealed the fear that the pharmaceutical companies have for him. Due to his credibility, the media reports that he is responsible for big injection hesitancy and false narratives.

Other speakers on day one were: Mitchell Gerber who spoke on the tyranny that he has witnessed in his over twenty years standing up to the China Communist Party, as well as Ontario’s only Mr. Chris Sky who introduced to us his newest book, “Just Say No!” Kerry Lee Crawford and Simone Jennifer Smith were able to get through half of an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Junior, but like Dr. Yeadon, the interview was disrupted, but not before Robert shared his thoughts on exactly what we as a people are dealing with when it comes to COVID-19 and the plans behind it.

One of the most powerful interviews of the day was with veteran physician Sherri Tenpenny, and you definitely have to watch the replay of Brandon V’s interview with Trudeau’s half-brother Kyle Kemper.

Day one ended with Kerry Lee Crawford interviewing what could only be described as the Holy Trinity: Pastor Henry Hilderbrandt, Pastor Tobias Tissen, and Pastor Arthur Pawlowski.

Day two took place Sunday June 27th, 2021 and also featured a powerful cast of speakers and educators like the incomparable Mr. David Icke who never disappoints, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Vlad Sobolev, Adam Skelly of Adamson Barbecue, Dr. Francis Boyle, and local activist Impenetrebel who stopped by to show his support of the summit.

Three people hosted the Summit with a conviction for spreading the truth: Mr. Kerry Lee Crawford, Mr. Brandon Vydelingum and the one and only Miss Simone Jennifer Smith. This article will just scratch the surface, and anyone and everyone is encouraged to go to TCN.video and check it out yourself, it really is an experience that no one should miss.

Every speaker had one destination in common, just different routes of arrival. The arrival point was to educate and mobilize the masses in such a way that they will realize their full potential and end this “Medical Fraud” that has been forced on humanity sooner rather than later.

Chris Sky really knocked it out of the ballpark when he said that he had travelled almost the entire country and Ontarians are the most sheepish people he has met. They just blindly obey, and what’s worse, they help their slave masters enforce the rules, but in the end, Sky urged them to “Just Say No,” and stand up for their rights.

Kyle Kemper was on point and he basically had these words for his brother’s regime, “Say I’m sorry.” Kemper said he believes there is room for healing if the people with the evil agenda confess.

Doctor Sherri Tenpenny was dynamic in detailing the harm that is done and is on-going due to these fraudulent injections campaigns. Tenpenny spoke at length about the amount of money that is thrown around to make sure the best minds that include doctors, scientists and powerful people of all walks of life, are bought and paid for by the players in this evil agenda.

Mr. Courage himself “Adam Skelly” spoke of the oppression he faced publicly by Ontario’s officials. Skelly has the government in court right now. He was treated like a criminal just for opening his barbeque restaurant during the first lockdown. He shared his thoughts about what he felt during the government cross examination, “When you have no truth, lies are all you have to rely on.” He calls the government case against him “bogus.”

Speaking of bogus, the final speaker Dr. Francis Boyle spoke at length with Kerry Lee about the US government, the FDA and how they have a history of corruption. He used the example of giving Saddam Hussain bio-weapons to use against his people. He closed by saying, “I have decided to use my talents to make this world a better place.”

Hats off to Grant Browning and the team at TCN.video and the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper for having the backbone to stand up and help educate their community, country and the universe in a time when most media outlets have been bought off by pathological liars, and have become journalistic prostitutes. As David Icke said to his host Simone, “You’ve got to have a relationship with truth, not with public opinion.”

The summit surpassed its past numbers with over four million page visits in two days. What this goes to show is that there is a need for the truth, and finally last weekend, truth seekers were provided with a platform where they could go for answers.

Gain free access to view each video below:

Former Pfizer VP & Chief of Science Dr. Michael Yeadon:

Investigative Reporter Mitchell Gerber:

Chris Sky:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

Kyle Kemper (PM Justin Trudeau’s brother):

Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, Tobias Tissen & Arthur Pawlowski:

David Icke:

Dr. Zev Zelenko:

Vladislav Sobolev:

Adam Skelly (Adamson Barbecue):

Dr. Francis Boyle:


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