Junior Contributors

Although it also has positive impact, ChatGPT has its negative side



Photo Credit: Tirachardz


During the late months of 2022, every student’s educational life was interrupted by the arrival of an AI Tool, which gave students the choice to either use it as a tool to improve their academic lives or use it as a crutch. ChatGPT, along with other AI Tools, plays a significant role in a student’s life either positively, or negatively.

ChatGPT throughout the years has provided students the ability of learning on their own, through its revolutionary AI, and studies show that 20-30 % of students who often use ChatGPT for research purposes have resulted in being more productive and have had a positive impact on their academic lives.

Although it also has positive impacts, ChatGPT has its negative side as many students have become dependent on AI in order to complete daily assignments, which later results in the shortage of creativity happening. Data has proven that out of 1,000 students, 17% who had access to AI Tools performed much worse than the rest of the students in an examination.

Students who have made use of ChatGPT and other AI Tools have resulted in assignments not having that touch of human creativity. These tools are not being used as a helping hand, as they should be, but instead students are using them as a cheat code. These tools have resulted in the rising amount of laziness in the human race, as the tools cut down the amount of research or brainstorming for assignments and other projects.

Although ChatGPT does affect student’s academic lives, it has raided students in research skills, skill development, personalized learning, and time management. ChatGPT and other AI tools must be used by students in an orderly fashion, and under the supervision of adults for them to improve their educational lives.

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