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AstraZeneca Withdraws Vaccine – We take no joy in saying “We Told you So!”




AstraZeneca withdrew its COVID-19 vaccine globally after its phase three clinical trial data revealed that 1 in 35 participants experienced a serious adverse event. Why the withdrawal you may ask?

For anyone still inclined to believe Big Pharma, here is AstraZeneca’s answer. The drug maker is citing a surplus of other COVID-19 vaccines targeting new variants on the market and low demand for the company’s Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID‑19 vaccine.

The embattled company, which faced countless lawsuits worldwide, has recently and finally admitted in court that its COVID-19 vaccine can cause blood clots. However, what hasn’t been universally disclosed is AstraZeneca’s most recent Phase III two-year post-vaccine safety clinical trial study results, which are disturbingly alarming.

Why was this dangerous concoction given continuously to so many unsuspecting people? Let us have a look at the numbers and what they tell us.

In March of 2023, AstraZeneca concluded its mandated Phase III randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study in adults, which tracked participants who received one and two doses of its Vaxzevria COVID-19 vaccine for two years. The results, which were quietly published by the European Medicines Agency in November 2023, included 21,587 vaccine participants, most of whom had received two doses, and a placebo group with 10,792 participants, about half the size of the vaccine group.

The data included the number of participants who experienced serious adverse events (SAE), medically attended adverse events (MAAE), and adverse events of special interest (AESI). Contrary to what AstraZeneca would like us to believe, the adverse event figures may be what prompted the company to request the withdrawal of its product.

Out of the 21,587 vaccine participants, 621 developed a serious adverse event, equating to 1 in 35 people. 4,750 participants sought or required medical attention after the vaccine, which is 1 in 5 people. Adverse events of special interest were reported in 2,516 participants, amounting to 1 in 9 people.

The real question here is, why are the pushers of this experimental vaccine still in operation? A look at the VAERS website tells a clear story, this is not just an AstraZeneca problem. Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and Moderna are still pushing this deadly poison on the public quietly. All one has to do here in Canada is call most pharmacies and listen to their answering service. Some are boldly advertising, “Get your COVID vaccine here.”

In a new interview on News Nation, former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said that many young, healthy people suffered “significant side effects” from COVID mRNA shots. Some people never had COVID but were sick from the shots. Redfield said we have to “acknowledge” that some became “quite ill.”

Redfield said that health agencies knew the truth but did not speak out because they feared being canceled. “There’s so much credibility lost in the public science groups: NIH, FDA, CDC, because I think there was a lack of transparency,” Redfield told a news outlet.

Speaking about a lack of transparency, one of the architects of deception has resurfaced, and this time instead of calling unvaccinated folks enemies, Chris Cuomo formerly of CNN is now claiming that he is vaccine injured. Just a few short years ago Cuomo told the world on CNN, “You know who our biggest enemy in America is? We Are!” Cuomo is now telling the public that he was misled by money I guess, right Chris?

Sometimes you have to listen carefully to hear the doublespeak and the downright lies, “The reality is that I was a part of warp-speed, these are important vaccines, we saved a lot of lives.” These are the words of former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield. You just can’t make this up.

In the meantime, Brianne Dressen, an AstraZeneca clinical trial participant, has launched the first US lawsuit against AstraZeneca. Dressen told Dr. John Campbell the pain was bad enough to cause many to consider suicide. Dressen said she went from being healthy and athletic to not being able to walk just days after taking the AstraZeneca shot. “I went in for my one and only COVID-19 vaccine on November 4th, 2020. It started within an hour after my injection. Tingling down the injected arm. It felt as if I had fallen asleep on my arm for hours. Later that night I had blurred vision, and by morning my left leg was slumped, so I kept walking into the left doorway,” she said.

Dressen spoke of how she was gaslighted by a doctor who told her, “Well you know COVID is a really hard time, and we think that you got stressed, went out and got this vaccine, and had a mental breakdown.”

Here are some of the symptoms Dressen suffered as a result of taking the AstraZeneca shot: severe perithecia, blurred and double vision, extreme sound light and teeth sensitivity, taenites, brain fog, memory loss, limb weakness, motor dysfunction in her legs, and loss of bladder control. It got worse, when her legs failed her, and doctors diagnosed her with anxiety due to the COVID injection. After seeing many specialists and being ignored by AstraZeneca, it was only when a journalist called AstraZeneca that she received a settlement letter of a little over $1,200. She is still suffering as we speak.

You can tell that things are not going as planned when team player BBC News has admitted that one of their news presenters 44-year-old Lisa Shaw had died as a result of complications from taking an AstraZeneca shot.

It is very important to note that in 2024, there are Canadian employers who are still asking employees for proof of vaccination before hiring.

The pandemic-born Vaccine Injury Support Program by Justin Trudeau and the Liberals is overwhelmed, leaving injured Canadians to suffer while bureaucrats scramble and consultant’s profit. The Liberals estimated five million dollars to be allocated to this program, but access to information documents details a fraction of that. As of December 2023, the program has paid out just 11 million dollars to injured persons so far.

Of the over 30 million budgeted to run this program, over 60% ended up in the pockets of consultants. This makes one wonder who got injured, was it the patients, or the consultants? As if all this was not enough, the dragnet has one more rat; big pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has “deeply” apologized for promoting an “unlicensed” coronavirus vaccine, after being rebuked for the fifth time by state regulators. The move earned the firm another reprimand from the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) in the United Kingdom.

We at Toronto Caribbean Newspaper take no joy in saying “We told you so,” but it is no secret that Pfizer leads the pack in decades of lawsuits being settled for shady dealings. The UK government regulator found Pfizer had “proactively disseminated” an “unlicensed medicine” on Twitter, now X, in November 2020 while providing no information on its safety or adverse side effects.

Berkeley Phillips, who is the Medical Director of Pfizer UK, shared a message from a Pfizer employee in the U.S. promoting their “vaccine candidate” as “95% effective in preventing COVID-19, and 94% effective in people over 65 years old.”

It was only when these wrongdoings were exposed that the drug kingpins at Pfizer came forward with their so-called apology, which reads like this, “We fully recognize and accept the issues highlighted by this PMCPA ruling” and we are “Deeply sorry.” In true narcissistic fashion despite formally taking responsibility for the debacle, a Pifizer spokesman attempted to shift the lion’s share of the blame to individual employees.

The question here is why is Pfizer sorry? Is it because they were caught lying for a million and a half times? For censoring people who tried to expose them, or for trying to hide their list of side effects for 75 years, or for all the people who lost their jobs when they refused the depopulation injection?

There is talk about the opening of a major vaccine production plant in Toronto. According to these three false prophets, this is part of Canada’s efforts to build up the domestic manufacturing sector in the aftermath of the pandemic. Again, if you are buying their prophecy, the new Sanofi facility is the largest in Canada and is expected to significantly increase Canada’s domestic production of pediatric and adult vaccines for whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus.

“We would rebuild our capacity to produce lifesaving vaccines here in Canada,” shared Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “This is important to protect our health, and to protect ourselves against FUTURE PANDEMICS.”

This speaks to the consistency, tenacity, and commitment of these false prophets. Amidst all the injuries and deaths of the last four years, they are boldly pushing so-called vaccines with no shame nor remorse.

While most Canadians cannot afford rent, or food, an 800,000,000-dollar injection facility is being showcased to the nation as something to be proud of.  For anyone who took these vaccines thinking that these vaccine companies will stand by you. According to Brianne Dressen, “You are on your own.”


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