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Being an independent thinker seems like a rare quality in these modern times




Being an independent thinker seems like a rare quality in these modern times and there are a handful of people who are trying their best to make it an offence as well. That being said, it is no wonder that a great number of folks have retired their thinking caps.

Here is a classic example of how mankind has become like a bunch of toddlers; a few people – who most likely did not do any research on the dangers of mask wearing – asked the rest of humanity to wear a mask. Without questioning the notion, almost everyone started wearing face diapers, is this smart thinking? Or sheepism?

In the beginning of all this, one of the worlds so-called top doctors said it was useless, now that same doctor has now told the “Sheeple,” it makes perfect sense to double their mask for maximum protection. My mom always told me that liars should have a very good memory. She was right.

Speaking of liars, when it was revealed that one of Canada’s politicians went to a sunny destination to bask, while trying to force the rest of the nation to hide in their houses, most people were shocked not realizing that the rule is “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Time and time again here in Canada, we see that certain politicians are hell bent on closing everything including gyms. Now, if you are an overweight politician does that make any sense? Then again, it is said that misery loves company.

While on the subject of company, it is very important in these troubled times to watch the company you keep. Once upon a time, Canada was in good company on the world stage, standing tall on subjects like human rights, equality, and justice. Since March of last year, certain politicians in this country cannot point fingers at communist countries anymore. Can they?

Traveling used to be fun for the average person, but these days when one lands at Pearson International, it is becoming extremely hard to tell whether you will be allowed to go home or be escorted to a very expensive hotel (aka quarantine facility) run by “You know who,” all in the name of health and safety.

Probably those twenty plus police officers that moved in on Chris Sky in the wee hours of the morning had his health and safety in mind as well, don’t you think?

Standing up for your rights in this country in 2021 has become a crime that is punishable either by attempted kidnapping or being put on “Canada’s no fly list,” which is a punishment reserved for terrorists. Just ask Mr Sky.

Upon entering college in 2016, I was convinced by a buddy to unsubscribe my cable TV, and to this day that is the best thing I ever did. After graduating with an advanced diploma in journalism, I realize that those three years gave me a different look on news, as opposed to the blatant lies, which have sadly become the norm in this country.

We were taught that your word is everything; integrity is where it’s at, and at no time should you fabricate a story, article or anything that has to do with the business of news. Even a photograph had to be authentic.

Some people who have not had the bird’s eye view that I have, think a news anchor walks into a newsroom and is just given a script to read. Wrong, or at least that is not the way we learnt it.


A team, which includes the anchor, puts the news together so when a news anchor decides to report misinformation, I know that it is a conscious decision. He or she had enough time to question the script before facing the public.

That being said, it is amazing how some people who call themselves journalists and newscasters would sink so low as to lie to the nation religiously all in the name of “Just doing my job!” I guess we’ve all heard that line before.

Be careful if you blindly follow the masses.

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