Real Estate

Biggest Turn-offs for Potential Home Buyers

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These days, most sellers are taking advantage of staging their homes. This is because staging works. But above and beyond staging, there is a definite list of “must-not-haves” when it comes to selling your home. Throughout my twenty five years as a real estate agent in Mississauga, I have seen thousands of properties and I have witnessed some remarkable and unforgettable homes. Below is a list of the top turn-offs for people searching to purchase a new home.

Dirty House: The very first thing you need is a clean house. Ensure your home is tidy before each showing. This may seem obvious, but it is surprising how many people neglect to clean up before potential buyers arrive.

Smelly House: Smells are a huge turn-off, but you may be accustomed to the smells in your home. Have someone walk through the house with you and let you know how it smells. Then, invest in an air freshener if there are any problems.

Strange Colors: Some colors give people a positive feeling, but others can affect them negatively. If you have strong colors in your home, you may wish to paint these rooms a neutral color or white to keep from turning people off.  Try to stick with grey or taupe.

Messy Lawn: How the property looks on the outside is very important to people. Whether it is in warmer or colder months, your lawn should be neat and tidy. Your driveway and garage area should be free of any clutter, including children’s toys and bikes, garbage cans and the like. This first impression is very important.

Pets: Potential buyers should not be greeted with the sound of barking dogs when they ring the doorbell. When you are showing your home, you might wish to find an alternative lodging for your pets. It’s ok to have one cat or one bird, but try to keep the animals to a minimum.

It takes time and effort to sell your home, but investing in both will pay off.   


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