Women Empowered

Brook “Ms. Write” Dixon: Taking Survivors on a ‘Flight’ Towards Self Healing and Empowerment




At just 25 years old, Brooke Dixon also known as Ms. Write has devoted much of her life to advocacy by means of helping survivors to overcome traumatic life situations through her healing journey mentorship. Brooke, an entrepreneur, and spiritual guide, believes that people struggling with the effects of trauma benefit from understanding that they need “to dig deeper, to figure out the who’s, the what’s, the when’s, the why’s and the how’s of their pain” in order to unconditionally heal.

Brooke’s unwavering commitment to helping others to heal was inspired by her very own real-life traumatic experience. At 5 years old, Brooke was molested by a female family member— the effects of which she suffered from for the next 15 years of her life, living in silence perplexed by what had happened to her at such a young age and dealing with the difficulty of overcoming that devastation. It was not until the age of 20 that Brooke was able to begin her very own life-altering healing journey, a journey that has now propelled her devotion towards assisting others in similar situations on their journey.

“My purpose is to help people heal their trauma period!” she said. “To heal the painful situations that they have experienced because that’s the yin of life and we have to experience that balance. Bad things are going to happen no matter what. Yes, it could be extremely traumatic and heartbreaking but it’s a lesson for us to learn. So, for me healing is really important because a healed heart is a happy heart and everyone wants to be happy. I feel like that’s the most important thing in life.”

Brooke was born and raised in Canada to parents of Indo and Afro Jamaican heritage. She spent most of her childhood years moving around with her parents but recounts a great majority of her formative years in Malvern Scarborough. After growing up with the burden of her trauma of being abused, Brooke started her very own positive healing journey in 2011. This was also the starting point for her advocacy. In 2012 she developed a non-profit online platform to raise awareness for health and wellness. This also prompted her to write her first self-published novel titled STAGE: Real People. Real Problems, Real Life, a novel Brooke created as “a healing tool for those who struggle with overcoming their past or present afflictions in order to find happiness and self-love”. A work that Brooke said was well received.

“When I wrote the book, some people came up to me and told me how the book really helped them change their mindset and the way they think about life,” she said. “This guy was bullied in high school and he carried that trauma all through high school and he said he read my book and my book helped him change his perception of how he lived his life and how he cared about himself.”

Stories like these have inspired Brooke to create an “improved version” of her former novel. “I believe it deserves to be better so people can get a proper message from it,” she said.

Her new novel titled The Root, an unstructured self-help poetry book with the purpose of helping others find the root to their trauma and healing from it, is currently available for pre-orders on her website and is set to be officially released on February 7, 2018.

“With this book I want people to have an experience while reading it and it’s mainly about healing your internal root so you can get through the root of your trauma because that’s the whole point,” she said.

“You cant just heal the source of something and just pretend that it’s not there. You have to really dig deep and find the reason as to why that is paining you so much and why it is holding you back from the life that you really deserve. You need to heal the root of everything, your problems, your painful situations and your trauma so that you can grow and blossom properly and that’s what I hope people will take away from this book.”

Alongside her success as a writer, Brooke has been very active in championing for the cause of healing and wellness that she bears much passion for by participating in workshops and doing numerous public speaking appearances. She is currently a mentor with TenThousandCoffees— a networking platform that enables various individuals to share experiences through the power of a ‘coffee chat’ in person or online and was the spokesperson for United Way. The 25-year-old was also a recipient of the Role Model of 2016 award from the Black Canadian Women Awards. She currently operates a social media branding startup The Social Lily, and a health and wellness non-profit, The Balance Space.

Her many certifications include a Peer Support Certificate, a Health and Nutrition diploma, a Business Management diploma, and an ASIST Suicide Intervention Certificate while in the process of receiving her Crystal Certification.

With a new novel on the way added to the many accomplishments in her field of advocacy, Brooke expressed that she is just getting started.

“I want to be my version of the next Oprah!” she said. “I just want to help people on a global scale and spread as much magic as I can and I am very passionate about it because I believe that people should understand the importance of healing and how beneficial it is for themselves and the people around them. The more healed people there are in this world the more peace there is and the more love there is.”

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