
BUSINESS: Gallup poll reveals immediate need for YOU to live a great life

By Tina Dietz
December 4th, 2013 Edition

You don’t have to live in an exotic place like Costa Rica like I have been doing to create an oasis based business and have a life you love. Having a mobile lifestyle has been our dream, so that’s what we’re living. What I call an oasis is when your business or career nourishes and refreshes you and the people you impact. It’s living a life you love filled with passion and purpose. There is a deep need and a deep hunger all around the world right now, and since you’re reading this I know that there is a hunger and a need in YOU. But did you know that it’s not just important that you have a great life, it is essential?

The recent Gallup Poll and report, the State of the Global Workplace Study reported that more than 75% of people are disengaged from their work. What does this mean? It means that out of every 4 people you know, 3 of them don’t really like what they do, they don’t put their passion into their work, and they are not fulfilled in what they do. It’s an understatement to say that this is a problem, and unfortunately it’s even worse than you think.

On purely the personal side of things:

– 3 quarters of our working population worldwide, is spending 40-60 hours per week feeling relatively like crap—that’s most of your life

– Research shows a strong link between your health and life satisfaction and stress, so now not only are you not loving work, but you’re dealing with pain, insomnia, medical bills, the side effects of medications, and extra time, energy, and money spent on dealing with your health and dealing with being sick in some way

– If you spend most of your day feeling lousy, how much energy do you have when you get home to enjoy the rest of your life outside of work? How many times per week do you come home drained, and then you get down on yourself because you want to engage with your kids, your spouse, do what you really love, but you just don’t have the energy.

All this is enough to make you say ok, enough is enough! Now why am I telling you all this? It’s really important to stay with this conversation because even though all this is lousy news—we as human beings have an incredible capacity to deal with crap, as long as it’s crap that we’re used to. No matter what a Gallup poll says, you might not love your life right now… but you can survive it. How do I know this? Because you’ve got- ten this far, so you could keep going, right? Right. But that’s not what you’re committed to, is it? You want something more.

Ok, so we’re clear on some of the impacts of YOU not living fully inside your passion and purpose, and that might just be enough to give you the motivation to change. But for most people it’s not enough, simply because of the reasons I just mentioned. We are designed to survive, and we will survive. But what about the other impacts of you not living a life you love?

– If 75% of the world is disengaged from their work, how does that impact the work they do? Are the best quality products getting made? Are people getting the best service? Are people motivated to come up with brilliant solutions and put 110% into creating and solving problems? Hell no. What gifts and talents is the world missing out on because you’re not living your purpose and passion?

– And here’s the last point, but it is by far the most important. What do we tell our kids? Don’t we always tell them things like “you can accomplish anything!” and “you can be anything!” and “do what you love and the money will follow!”?? And then what do they see? That they’ve been lied to, because actions always speak louder than words.

You choosing to live a great life is essential. A life of passion and purpose is the greatest gift you could ever give the world and yourself, so the only question I have for you is-how long will you wait until you have that life?

Do you fit this description?
– You’re motivated.
– You’re seeking solutions.
– You’re in action but you’re not sure what to do next.
– You want to accelerate your results now.
– You are determined to have an incredible life of passion, purpose, and profits and you refuse to take no for an answer.

If this is you, then email me to request your date and time for a complementary, no strings attached 30 minute coaching consultation to explore how we can work together to bring your vision into reality and get you the tools and support you need. Only 10 spaces are open and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let me share the ripple effect with you and guide you on the path to thriving.


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