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Canada; a Vassal State? Has Canada become a permissive target for China’s interference?




“Which nation, besides Canada, administration do you most admire and why?”

“There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China, because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and saying, ‘We need to go greenest fastest, we need to start, you know, investing in solar.’”

This comment by our very own Justin Trudeau is going to become relevant to you as you read this article, and I will warn you now; it should worry you!

World government actions subtly shape how their citizens think, speak, and act, thereby influencing where we place our trust, hope, and expectations. The authority to enforce laws carries certain implicit powers: the power to promote certain causes, prioritize certain risks, endorse certain values and beliefs, uphold certain standards, encourage certain expectations, and define and interpret certain terms.

World governments also have the power to influence our expectations and outlook on important social questions, such as where to seek assistance for material needs; whom to blame in times of crisis; and what people are entitled to by right (privacy, great healthcare, abortions). A healthy democracy is one in which citizens give the government only the loyalty it deserves without diminishing their trust in, or allegiance to other institutions and authorities, but how can we do this if the democratic system we have built trust in is being infiltrated by foreign entities?

“This is far larger. The government of China is an existential threat to Canada on multiple levels and we need to come to grips with that.” – MP John McKay

Canadian Politicians are Speaking Out

A bombshell response was given by MP McKay after revelations of interference in the past elections. In his statement, he was not talking about the good people from China, Chinese Canadians, or even the local people who are being named in top secret documents being leaked to certain Canadian media. He’s talking about the communist party that runs China.

“I think we need as a nation to come to grips with the desire of the government of China to turn us all into vassal states,” said McKay.

When I looked up vassal state in the dictionary, It was described as a “state that is subordinate to another” where a “government is chiefly directed by the interest of an overlord and patron state.”

Hmmmmm! This doesn’t sound good.

On March 12th, 2023, MP Pierre Poilievre also spoke out against what he had been learning.

“Beijing is using police stations in Canada to intimidate and spy on Chinese Canadians. What has Trudeau done about this bullying by a foreign authoritarian regime on our own soil? Absolutely nothing. Not a single Beijing diplomat has been expelled.”

Last week, I received an email from Ontario Party’s Leader Derek Sloan’s office. In it he shared with us some interesting news.

“We now have a name in the leaked allegations of at least one candidate the Communist Chinese government helped – MP for Don Valley North – Han Dong.

According to these allegations, the Chinese consulate bussed loads of seniors and foreign students to the nomination for Han Dong, telling the students to vote for Dong if they wanted to maintain their visa status. CSIS apparently asked Trudeau to rescind Dong’s nomination due to foreign interference. Trudeau refused.”

Sloan also shared that a House of Commons committee is already investigating election interference, even though certain Liberals are blocking release of some information. These allegations are evidence of things we have known for a long time – namely that the Communist Chinese government has designs on Canada, and their influence reaches far and wide.

A greater concern beyond the actual interference is the fact that a community of residents legally permitted to be in Canada could be mobilized by a foreign government. This is an issue that must be addressed with immigration policy and issuance of student Visas.

China’s Systematic Take-over

China’s show of strength was just the latest diplomatic triumph in Beijing’s drive to sway the system of international organizations in its direction. Earlier victories put Beijing in position to shape international norms and standards, notably with air travel under the Chinese-led International Civil Aviation Organization.

Beijing is pushing its civil servants to the helm of U.N. institutions that set global standards for air travel, telecommunications and agriculture. Gaining influence at the U.N. has allowed China to stifle international scrutiny of its behavior at home and abroad. In March 2019, Beijing won a seat on a five-member panel that selects U.N. rapporteurs on human-rights abuses—officials who used to target Beijing for imprisoning more than a million Uighurs at so-called re-education camps in Xinjiang.

Let’s bring it back to the influence they have over Canada. Beginning in the 1960s, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was enamored with the mystique of China’s dictatorship during the murderous Great Leap Forward, which killed as many as 45 million people. It was described by the Washington Post as the “Biggest mass murder in the history of the world.”

Most recently (November 2022), World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab sat down for an interview with Chinese Communist Party-owned broadcaster CGTN. In the interview he commended China’s achievements, and suggested the nation could be a “role model” for others around the world.

“I respect China’s achievements … over the last forty years,” Schwab stated matter of factly. He referred to them as “tremendous.” He suggested that China could act as a “Role model for many countries,” admitting that in the end, each country should be left to make its own decision regarding the system it wants to adopt.

“We should be very careful in imposing systems,” he said at the end of the video, “But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries.”

I want to be very clear about something here; we must overstand that when important levels of governmental institutions are controlled, they influence norms, they influence ways of thinking, they influence international policy, they inject your way of thinking.

The real threat is that China is going to use multilateral institutions to advance their own initiatives and their own values as compared to the values of Canadians.

The Chinese embassy has of course denied any role in manipulating Canadian elections.

China has taken over the Caribbean

On 7th July 2022, VICE News released an eye-opening video report exposing how China’s rapidly growing presence in South America has reached Guyana.  They went undercover to expose allegations of corruption in business deals between the two countries.

China’s investment in Latin America and the Caribbean has four-folded since 2005, reaching over $16 billion, with $130 billion in loans by Chinese banks.

China has been investing heavily in infrastructure projects around the world, and one of its latest endeavors is a $760 million North-South highway in Jamaica. This ambitious project connects the country’s capital, Kingston, to the tourism hub of Ocho Rios in the north, and is expected to greatly enhance transportation and trade in the region. The project has faced criticism and concerns over the environmental impact and potential debt implications for the Jamaican government.

On The Breakfast Club, Dr. Umar Johnson spoke to the fact that Jamaica will be the first Chinese colony in the Caribbean. The Chinese run businesses in Jamaica and other Black countries, but they do not pay taxes to Jamaica. There are reports of them transferring their wealth off to China or UK or European banks like Swiss Banks.

We know that the Chinese have been residing in Jamaica for decades, but they don’t like African-Caribbean people and don’t mix with us. Who owns all of the sugar factories in Jamaica? They live among native Jamaicans, but they don’t buy from them or treat them well. They don’t buy from native Jamaicans, but the native’s buy from them.

There have been recent videos with evidence of their racist behaviors against Africans residing in China, where they have thrown them out of their homes onto the streets despite having paid their rent and mortgages for their accommodation.

They block Africans from going into their shops and refuse to serve them. These horrendous acts have been captured in many videos. The Chinese, in many African countries, have been caught on camera flogging Africans in their own countries.

Let’s not forget the fact that China also has artfully displayed offensive pictures displayed on billboards on their streets and in museums depicting Africans as monkeys and apes. Why do we continue to allow this atrocious behavior to continue?

I guess my final question for readers is, has Canada become another attractive and permissive target for Chinese interference? If so, how many of us realize that this endangers the foundations of our fundamental institutions, including our system of democracy itself?

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