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Canada is slowly becoming one of the worst countries in the world to work and to live and build a family



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Canadians are struggling financially. The unemployment rate in Canada is at its highest since 2021 currently sitting at 6.32%. Almost a 1% increase compared to 2023 at 5.41%. With the rising cost of groceries and housing, many people are looking for second and third jobs to have enough to get by. Canada currently has 1.4 million unemployed people. Many people blame what is beginning to be considered the “immigration crisis” on the influx of immigrants coming into the country and getting priority: funding, income and services. Canadians are even seeing job applications requiring Asian languages to be considered. This is troubling, Canada hosts two languages that are seen as necessary to operate fully in the country.

Sixty percent of Canadians state that Canada accepts too many immigrants, coupled with the housing and economic crisis, attitudes towards immigration are shifting. Canada needs to focus on its citizens before opening its doors to foreigners. Canadians are uneasy regarding the country’s economy, as the last few years have been tough on almost every social class.

The Bank of Canada has stated in their monetary Policy report that they intend to lower the amount of non-permanent residents coming into the country, however, it has been revealed that there has been more coming in. The (NPRs) have increased from 6.2% to 6.8% of Canadas’ population. International student visas are one of the contributing elements to the rising NPR rate. Canada is issuing more visas to students than it did last year.

Programs and services that Canadians use are being overwhelmed by the number of immigrants who also want to make use of these amenities. Food banks are one of the essential services that Canadians need to survive. The service is now being overwhelmed by foreigners taking advantage. Foreigners are obtaining high-paying jobs, and still attending food banks. This selfishness is taking food out of the homes of people who cannot afford to buy it from the grocery store. This behaviour is remorseless, as some post videos on social channels on how and where to obtain free food even if you are gainfully employed.

The housing crisis, poor economic conditions and rising immigration all post-pandemic are driving Canadians into desperate situations and a change in mindset towards foreigners. The behaviour that is highlighted from certain demographics is also influencing public opinion. While most of Canadians’ concerns surrounding immigration are financial, there is a growing disdain for the way immigrants behave while living in Canada.

Immigration isn’t something Canada needs to prioritize right now. The government is letting in more and more immigrants and there is nowhere to house them, while simultaneously not being able to employ them and leaving Canadian citizens to suffer more and more. Resources that should go to uphold the economy are being allocated to other areas for people who’ve only been here for a short time and may not even stay to contribute to the growth and progress of this country.

Rightfully frustrated, more and more complaints come through daily regarding the state of this country. Citizens are considering moving to other countries now more than ever. Canada is slowly becoming one of the worst countries in the world to work and to live and build a family. It is hard to see the silver lining when it is becoming increasingly more difficult to live here.

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