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Canadian unions call on the Federal Government to strengthen Employment Equity Act


On August 1st, 2023, which is recognized across Canada as Emancipation Day, the CLC issued an important press release. It was aimed to address ongoing systemic racism and discrimination in the workforce. Canada’s unions are urging the federal government to strengthen the Employment Equity Act.”

Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice-President of the CLC stated, “An updated Employment Act is crucial, but Black workers also need to see the creation and implementation of an intersection along National anti-Black racism strategy that includes strong employment and pay targets and solid measures to combat persistent labour-market discrimination and exclusion, which is what Black workers are consistently up against.”

The statement from the CLC outlines the widespread effects of anti-Black racism. It has been “Causing major barriers to economic advancement and empowerment for Black communities and ongoing labour market discrimination. This has resulted in Black workers earning lower wages and facing barriers in hiring, advancement, promotion and retention.”

There has been widespread discussion in mainstream media regarding the 2023 Black Canadian National Survey released by York University’s Institute for Social Research (ISR). They collaborated with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and the Multicultural History Society of Ontario (MHSO) with funding from the Social Sciences & Humanities Council (SSHRC).

The ISR undertakes research that engages interdisciplinary social issues through research methodologies that involve survey, quantitative and mixed methods investigation. The CRRF is Canada’s leading organization dedicated to the elimination of racism and the promotion of harmonious race relations. Its underlying principle in addressing racism and racial discrimination emphasizes positive race relations, and the promotion of shared Canadian values of human rights and democratic institutions. It strives to coordinate and cooperate with all sectors of society and develop partnerships with relevant agencies and organizations at the: local, provincial and national levels.

Some of the highlights of the study include:

  • 47% of the Black people indicated that they have been treated unfairly in hiring, pay or promotion in the last 12 months.
  • 48% of the Black male respondents indicated that they have been treated unfairly by an employee in hiring, pay or promotion in the last 12 months.
  • 45% of the Black female respondents indicated that they have been treated unfairly by an employer in hiring, pay or promotion in the last 12 months.

Overall, only 15% of White Canadians stated that they have been treated unfairly. As well, 75% of Black Canadians and 70% of other non-Whites experience racism as a series of very serious problems in the workplace. Details of the Report of the Black Canadian National Survey can be seen at the York University’s website:

Bea Burke, President of the CLC states, “Canada’s unions continue to stand in solidarity with Black workers by calling on our governments to address these longstanding inequities in employment stemming from this country’s unjust history. This included strengthening the Employment Equity Act to acknowledge the barriers experienced by specific communities through the collection and analysis of disaggregated data. A renewed Act must also be accompanied by sufficient funding to support its full and proper implementation by employers, and the workforce functions of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.”

The CLC is supportive of the Black Class Action which is looking for long-term solutions to permanently address systemic racism and discrimination in the public service of Canada. It is hoped that the injustices experienced by past and present Black federal public service workers will be resolved. The CLC is hopeful that the forthcoming report by the Employment Equity Review Task Force will bring positive recommendations.

Anyone who is interested in how labour unions are talking anti-Black racism in all its forms can check the website:


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