Women Empowered





This year marks Natasha Bridgmohan’s 15th year in business for herself and as an immigrant woman of colour, coming from humble beginnings, it’s been a winding road. A colourful journey mixed with detours and bumps, hills and valleys but best of all… the scenery and people she has met along the way have shaped her into the successful woman she is today. 

Her parents came to Canada when Natasha was 5 years old, fleeing civil unrest in their homeland of Guyana, South America. All they had were the clothes on their backs and a fierce determination to provide their children with every opportunity they could, to help them build a successful life.

Arriving in Canada at 26 years old, her father worked 3 jobs to make ends meet, while her mother stayed home to raise Natasha and her 3 younger siblings. “My parents taught us from a young age that success comes from a strong work ethic, remaining honest at all costs and having respect and compassion for those around us.” She added.

In addition, Natasha was highly influenced by her grandparents. “My grandfather was a very spiritual, and humble individual, that believed actions were more important than words,” she said as she reflected back on his life. “These beliefs carried him through to become a very respected member of the community and I try very hard to emulate the same dedication to humanity that he had.”  Natasha was proud to mention that her grandmother was a wise mentor and the glue that held the family together, she always encouraged unity and love amongst their 65+ grandchildren.

Natasha is a devout Hindu, and you’ll see her and her family attending Sunday Services and special events regularly at her Temple. This weekly reset along with her daily motivational start-up practices, help to ground her both spiritually and mentally. “Being a woman in a male-dominated industry has it’s challenging, attending services and meditating serves to ground me.” she shares.

Natasha comes from a long line of entrepreneurs, from cattle farmers to medical professionals, business executives to politicians and real estate gurus just to list a few, it’s no wonder that she would venture down the entrepreneurial road. “I’ve been self-employed for 15+ years and I can’t imagine doing it any other way,” she said.

“For the last 15 years I served as the President and CEO of The BridgGroup of Companies which was amazing but for some reason, the title didn’t quite sit well with me,” Natasha said. “So, this year I changed it to something that felt good in my heart and would better express who I am and what I want to help my clients, team, and associates achieve,” she said with a smile. “Since changing my title to Chief Visionary Officer and Motivational Speaker on January 1st, 2019, I feel so much more aligned with my mission to change lives and my clients feel it too!”

Natasha has acquired a wealth of knowledge in the financial, credit consulting and real estate arena over the years but perhaps more importantly, her true gift is her ability to connect with people on a human being to human being level. This is a quality that she believes sets her apart from other professionals in the industries she serves. “Sometimes it’s not the greatest of circumstances that bring people to me,” she says. “so, I am always humbled and honoured, that they have chosen our company to help them work through a challenging financial situation,” she explains.

Natasha is a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. Using vision boards and setting intentions to help her reach her goals and encourages her team to do the same. “Another thing my parents taught us, was to always follow good company and surround ourselves with people who have positive energy and the same mindset and vision as ours.” As the Law of Attraction states… like attracts like, which is why she has drawn to her, a team of experts that share these same qualities.

In closing, I asked Natasha what she felt were the keys to her success and she replied with the following, “Personally and professionally I keep it simple.” This Visionary lady prefers to automate the details and focus on the big picture, helping her clients turn their dreams into reality. She has processes and checklists that keep the office running smoothly and starts her morning routine at 5:00 am to reflect and keep balance in her life.  “This way I feel like I am spiritually topped up and ready to give my all during the day.” 

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