Life has many chapters
Though those chapters don’t represent an entire lifetime.
Chapters are unique,
In its buildups, climax
Showing fragments.
Each piece has its story,
Its teachings,
Not representations
Of an entire character.
Since expectations are fluid
Constant changes
Only principles remain solid,
Even with that
Risks to be tampered.
A chapter has its role
Its purpose
Sets a tone,
But it should never take over.
Flipping the pages
Walking on each sentence like a path
Leading into crossroads.
Some parts can be discouraging
Some verses can be encouraging.
The good and the bad
the confusing.
Some parts are clearer in their intentions Than others.
Multiples rivers
Leading up to the ocean
Where mystery takes a seat at the throne.
A mystery only the universe and Creator knows.
This journey is only blueprints from the ones before
As more be added for the generations to
So, they won’t have to hit the stumbling
For they would on the paths that
Were paved generations before.