
Choosing to prioritize pleasure and play is a form of taking your power back and realigning with your inner child


Greetings Gems! I pray this cosmic conversation finds you well. We are currently lingering in the Full Moon in Leo energy.  As we have discussed before Full Moon’s show us the fullness of our intentions and provides the opportunity to release what no longer serves us.

Under the illumination of this Full Moon the themes of pleasure, creative expression, heart vs ego and inner child desires are highlighted. Being that it is Aquarius season, our individual perspective and unique outlook are also to be celebrated. It is in our authenticity we attract the people, opportunities and experiences that foster our growth.

This Full Moon expresses the fullness of intentions set back in late July of 2022. Think back to how you were feeling at that time. The summer was in its peak, we were complaining about the heat much like we’re complaining about the cold now. What were you doing for fun? How were you prioritizing play and your unique creative expression? Did you feel seen by those you choose to engage with? Now that the moon has come to its fullness many of these questions may resurface. Some of these questions have been buried deep within your heart space, as Leo rules the heart. The heart carries our deepest desires since childhood; hence Leo also rules the desires of our inner child.

The unresolved feelings and emotions we carry often mirror and magnetize in our friendships and relationships. These relationships often remind us of some aspect of a relationship from our past. We have been taught and conditioned to hide aspects of ourselves and emotions in search of getting our most intimate needs met. Our parents taught us how to appease their love and affection, our teachers taught us how to seek out validation and our peers taught us about finding a sense of belonging. Over time, the neglected side of us, known as the shadow, will begin to rear its head. Our shadows are made up of our fears and unresolved emotions. The more we try to repress the energy the more we feel the internal conflict within.

The way to face our shadows is to reconnect with our inner child. Reassuring your inner child that they are now safe to express themselves wholeheartedly and authentically will help to release the past pain associated with expressing yourself, especially your emotional needs.  This where pleasure and play can be our helping hand. How we choose to play allows for our creative expression to flow. We play because we choose to. Play is a tool for taking back our power. We work to pay bills, especially in this expensive economy. We do other things out of the responsibility of obligation, but when we play, it comes from a choice to experience pleasure.  We are giving ourselves permission to creatively express ourselves. Choosing to prioritize pleasure and play is a form of taking your power back and realigning with your inner child.

Life can be hectic at times; it can be emotionally and mentally overwhelming. Take your power back and give yourself permission to enjoy this life we so greatly cherish. Life should never be so serious that we forget to live and live life abundantly.


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