Personal Development

Creating a vision for your life


It’s a common theme in our lives now to hear about visions for your life. Before we heard a lot about it in the business communities, companies creating visions, but nowadays it’s super common to hear about visions for your life.

One way you can do this is to create a vision board for yourself. It’s a board made up of things that you want to have in your life. It could be a representation of weight goals, health accomplishments, love relationships, family goals, career etc. Really anything you want you can put on this board. I have made numerous boards in the past for all different reasons and there is actually a finesse to making them. So, let me share with you the six steps to vision boarding.

1) You have to flip. What that means is you have to find magazines, cutouts, pictures of the things that you want. Online, in stores and pretty much anywhere. This is usually the step that takes the longest.

2) Once you have all the pictures I want you to sit with your desires and come up with a line or two that represents the images. (ie: a successful billionaire woman in love with life and full of love, or how about this: A carefree man, madly in love with his spouse who travels the world impacting lives). Once you have that line, I want you to write in the center of the board, then we are going to arrange the pictures over top of it burying it.

3) Next up, sort and arrange. Sometimes our boards have themes or things that go together. Before you paste it down, start to put the images down in a way that feels right to you. You might have some patterns on the board, or not. Totally up to you! This is your board of dreams, so arrange it as you like.

4) Then comes the pasting. It’s’ time to lock it all down

5) Step 5 is a fun one. Decorate and display. I pick up glitter, glam stickers, sticker words, pearls etc. to add some glam to my board. It’s completely optional but some people really resonate with décor items. This is your board, glitz it up as you please. Once it’s complete then it’s time to display it. Put it up where you can see it every day. I have mine on my office wall, so I walk in it’s a dominant thing I see daily. It helps me to ground, I remember why I am doing all this and it makes me happy to see what life is going to be like!

6) Lastly, it’s now time to act. Without the action piece, we won’t be able to manifest all the cool things on our board. Our job is to keep following our intuition and moving in directions to take action.

A lot of the time people feel that they should only make vision boards at the beginning of the year, I say make them anytime you want! This world is here for us to experience and grow into. Have fun in the process and let’s start manifesting all the amazing things you want in life!

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