When will enough be enough
When would it be enough for the people
To stop repeating temporary unity then
Fall apart?
When will there be a time that our ancestors
Don’t have to remind us that this will be our
Own lives,
The elders not surprised with the tension,
How many more lives be wasted before
Hitting their prime?
How much more insults folks will take
Before grabbing pitchforks and stakes.
Only to cry and form alliances
Just to go back to square one all over again?
How many more blackouts have to happen
Before eyes steer away from screens
To look up to the sky and nature eye candies.
How many more blueprints to generational wealth need to be dragged into the afterlife
In the coffins
Before people stop being scared to pursue Their dreams?
How many more wombs have to compete with graves
Because it’s the Alpha and Omega
Only difference is the time in-between
That’s already short to begin with.
Trying to be optimistic
But exhausted on the ideals
When reality and pride continues these vicious cycles.
Don’t let the freedom fighters who passed on
And those risk being perished
Enter the next realm in vain.