“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words” David Icke, Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More
In the 90s, he wrote about the 2008 Banking Crash, The War on Terror, Micro-chipping, and the Cashless Society. He has written books around 911, providing evidence to show that the story we were told about that day’s events don’t seem to stand up to research.
As one of the most controversial authors of our time, he has spent thirty years unravelling the secrets of the Universe, reality and the unseen forces that manipulate our world. He has shone a light on humanity’s lack of thinking, exposing how the powers that be continue to condition our minds, and control our way of life. He has even gone as far as to expose religion and its use as a tool of control.
Whether it is in an interview, or reading one of his books, the information that this man delivers is necessary to open entirely new ways of thinking and perceiving reality. What is interesting is that what was once ridiculed and dismissed as nonsense, is now being confirmed again, and again. Could it be that this man is way ahead of his time?
For 30 years, David Icke has been warning people to look deeper into how the world works. He has done so by writing prolific literature that some have written off as “conspiracy theories,” (we will discuss that in a bit). Some of his more popular books include:
A running theme in his literature is that the human race is controlled, and that we are quick to acquiesce. This no fault of our own, but it is something that we all need to be aware of. It is the only way that we can take our power back. In his book “The Biggest Secret: The Book that will Change the World,” he highlights the fact that when we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away, and this is what we have been doing throughout human history. It is exactly why the few have always controlled the masses. “The foundation of that control has always been the same; keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war with themselves. Divide, rule and conquer while keeping the most important knowledge to yourself.”
“The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think.” David Icke
In the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to dialogue with highly elevated minds: Robert Kennedy Jr., David Icke, and my most recent one, which you will soon hear all about, Dr.Buttar. All of these men have been labelled as conspiracy theorists, and for that reason, they have been censored, ridiculed, and called hacks. The terminology “conspiracy theory” has an interesting origin, and in my upcoming feature of Dr. Buttar, we will go into that terminology a little more.
Many of the conspiracy theories are quickly dismissed as a product of human imagination. Conspiracies can be two-fold: they either harm or help someone. Sometimes it is difficult to see which side of the fold you are being exposed to, and for that reason, it is important that as media consumers we research diligently, and remain open to hearing two sides of a story.
The existence of conspiracies should not be doubted. The very nature of political action is covert in nature. It has been widely estimated that 80% of political decisions are made behind closed doors, away from the public eye. Armed with this knowledge, we as a community have to open our eyes to the possibility that political actors around the world might just have used the pandemic as an excuse to control information.
“Please don’t believe anything that I’ve written in this book unless it feels right to you.” David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told
Science will tell you that radio, television, the Internet, or any other electromagnetic carrier can be used to carry a signal that will influence the behaviour of people who are in close proximity of that signal. During my interview with David Icke, we spoke in depth about the psychological warfare that has been launched on our sub-conscious. Many of us are programmed, and we don’t even know it. This programming begins from the moment we sit in our elementary school class. We are told when we can speak, when we can use the washroom, when we can communicate with others, and when we can leave. It is no wonder that many of us end up in jobs that we hate, just because of our programming.
What the mainstream media has done, and Dave goes into detail on this in the interview, is to keep people in a constant state of worry, agitation, and fear. When we are in these states we can’t think clearly. The part of the brain that controls emotions is called the amygdala. It is a collection of cells near the base of the brain. This is where emotions are given meaning, remembered, and attached to associations and responses to them. These are our emotional memories.
When we are triggered into a fearful state, it is impossible to reach a higher state of awareness. Fear is one of our number one adversaries, and the only way to conquer this adversary is to open oneself up to knowledge. This means being aware of your biases and challenging them.
We know that there is a chance that they may try to block our interview with David Icke. We know this because they have systematically taken down any interview he does that goes against the mainstream message and causes people to think.
In April 2020, YouTube removed an interview with Mr Icke in which he said there “Is a link between 5G and this health crisis.” In May 2020, The Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) published an open letter calling on tech companies to ban Mr Icke’s accounts. The letter said Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube had amplified “Icke’s racism and misinformation about COVID-19 to millions of people.”
A spokeswoman for YouTube made this statement to BBC:
“We have clear policies that prohibit videos promoting medically unsubstantiated methods to prevent the coronavirus in place of seeking medical treatment, and we quickly remove videos violating these policies when flagged to us. Now any content that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, as described by the WHO [World Health Organization] and local health authorities are in violation of YouTube policies. This includes conspiracy theories which claim that the symptoms are caused by 5G.”
Alice Walker, the beloved activist and author of The Colour Purple, also went under fire for promoting David Icke. On her personal website, she made herself very clear, “I do believe he is brave enough to ask the questions others fear to ask, and to speak his own understanding of the truth wherever it might lead. Many attempts have been made to censor and silence him. As a woman, and a person of colour, as a writer who has been criticized and banned myself, I support his right to share his own thoughts.”
Again, I want to remind the readers of my remarks regarding conspiracy theories and that they are two-fold. Why is it that we have to take what the WHO says as truth, and disregard what science is telling us? What I find interesting is that when I was listening to Icke, he spoke about certain topics that were eerily similar to topics that were talked about in my interviews with Robert Kennedy Jr., and Dr. Buttar. These interviews were not staged, yet for some reason, certain messages were consistent.
I encourage readers to take a look at the video that accompanies this article. What I didn’t want to do is rehash the interview. I do not want to put my own spin on things, I want the community to take the time to research outside their comfort zone and take from the interview what feels right for them.