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“Diversity and Culture Lives Here!” Festival Management Committee prepares for Toronto Caribbean Carnival




There are great plans ahead for Summer 2023 as Toronto looks forward to the 46th Toronto Caribbean Festival. The Festival Management Committee (FMC) which officially runs the festival relocated to a new location at 716 Gordon Baker Road, # 201.

The FMC, a not-for-profit organization has been managing the festival since the early 1990s works in conjunction with vital stakeholders: Carnival Arts Canada (CAC) which represents the Mas bands, the Organization of Calypso Performing Artists (OCPA) which represents the Calypsonians and the Ontario Steel pan Association (OSA), which represent the pannist.

Jennifer Michelle Hirlehey is the new Chair of the FMC, and Mischka Crichton has been promoted to Chief Executive Officer (CEO), having served as the Festival Manager in previous years. In addition, Adrian Charles, who has been active for many years as the parade organizer is the new General Manager.

In a communication from FMC on Friday, May 26th, in the Toronto Carnival Insider newsletter Volume 4 titled “Beyond the Mas” emphasizes the essential role that OCPA contributes to the festival. It highlights the partnership between two essential stakeholders. It states, “Together, OCPA and the FMC have been charting a new collaborative course. The FMC sees one of its main roles as promoting and supporting the calypsonians and keeping calypso and soca alive in Canada. Our organization not only provides financial support to OCPA, but also believes in promoting and showing public support for their events.”

The new management structure has stakeholders on its team with the addition of Louis Saldenah, president of Caribbean Arts Canada, and one the most successful Mas band in the history of North America’s largest festival. By making stakeholders directors of the FMC, it is hoped that it will put pressure on the provincial, municipal and federal governments to release more funding.

On Thursday, May 31st, the official launch of the 56th Toronto Caribbean Festival was held at the Ontario Science Centre. It was hosted by CTV News Anchor and reporter Nathan Downer and Jessica Smith. On hand were masqueraders from many of the leading Mas camps who will be showcasing their costumes at the Grand Parade. Many of the Mas bands featured brightly coloured costumes with rich textures. Costumes were displayed from the bands: Sugarcane, Lux Carnival, Freedom Mas Band, Fantasia, Sublime Mas, Epic Carnival and Costume Creators Cultural Art. The Ontario Steel Pan Association Steel Orchestra played new songs and Henry Gomez aka King Cosmos sang his mesmerizing song, “Pull Together.”

Mischka states, “We are so pleased to announce our partnerships with: Toronto FC, Metrolinx, Disney, Grace Foods, Toronto Blue Jays, Bell Media and Porter Airlines.”

The theme for this year is: Diversity and Culture Lives Here! It is a testament to the open arms of organizers who invite everyone to play mas, watch the events, or support this showcase of pageantry and freedom.

Hirlehey, Chair of FMC states, “We are going into elementary and high schools and educating young people about the history, artistry and craftsmanship of costume-making.”

Some of the upcoming events and dates are listed below:

  • Tuesday, July 11th: Official Launch
  • Friday, July 14th and Sunday, July 16th: The Calypso Tent Series
  • Sunday, July 16th: Junior King & Queen Showcase at Scarborough Town Centre
  • Saturday, July 22nd: Junior Carnival Parade at Malvern Town Centre
  • Sunday, July 30th: OCPA Calypso Competition:
  • Calypso 365 featuring Calypso Stars at the Harbourfront Centre
  • Thursday, August 3rd: King & Queen Showcase
  • Friday, August 4th: PAN ALIVE Panorama
  • Saturday, August 5th: The Grande Parade
  • Sunday, August 6th: Pan in de Park and TCC International Food Festival at Neilson Park

Anyone interested in knowing about events for this year’s festival can check the following social media platforms:

Website: www.toronto

Instagram: toronto

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