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Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario Calls on re-elected PC Government to change its approach and invest in public education



Photo Credit: Christina @


The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario composed of 83,000 education workers shared a press release on Friday, June 3rd, 2022, titled, ETFO calls on the re-elected PC government to change its approach to invest in public education.” The press release states, “ETFO is ready to work with the provincial government and opposition parties but will remain vigilant in its advocacy to protect public education and defend its members’ rights.”

Karen Brown, ETFO President makes a direct call on the Ontario government to alter its approach. She states, “The Progressive Conservatives have been given another opportunity to govern. While the results are disappointing to Ontarians who did not support the PCs, we are calling on Premier Ford to change his government’s approach during this second term. ETFO is ready to work with this government to improve public education, but we are also fully prepared to challenge it, when necessary, to secure the adequate funding, support, and resources needed to ensure Ontario students have access to the high-quality, equitable public education they deserve.”

The press release reviews occurred during the last four years. Education unions were not invited to be active participants in educational matters. President Brown continues, “Despite the difficulties and challenges faced during the past four years ETFO members stand strong. We are ready to work with the government and opposition parties to ensure our public schools receive investments and support they need. It is our sincere hope that Members of Provincial Parliament from all parties work together during the next four years to lower class sizes, increase special education support, and ensure safe and healthy schools.”

ETFO emphasizes that a vibrant public education system is vital for the success of all kids. President Brown concludes, “Together, we can ensure a public education system that supports, uplifts, and celebrates every student, Let’s get that done.”

The Ontario Secondary Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) in an email to its members on Friday, June 3rd, 2022, expressed its disappointment with the election results, but is still optimistic. It reads, “Many other aspects of this election fill us with hope, especially as we come together and prepare for the next round of bargaining. 53% of the voters did not vote for the Conservatives and instead voted for the three opposition parties who all ran on making major investments in education, lowering class sizes, improving supports for students, prioritizing people, and communities over profits,

The people of Ontario overwhelmingly support public education and do not want to see cuts made or an expansion of privatization of education. The election results confirm the level of public support for investing in our public education system.”

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