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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – Put the people first



 As many of our readers know, we have taken a different approach to the COVID-19 pandemic than many of the cultural, and mainstream media has. We will not coerce, manipulate, or present information to you that has not been verified, researched and accredited. We have spent the last year and a half sifting through articles, peer reviewed research papers, talking to the leading experts in their fields, finding ways to ensure that you have all the information you need to make educated, and self guided decisions for your family.

Not all of our readers agree with our direction, but it is important that during this time of our history, we document all the stories, not just stories that are bought and paid for by the government. We are the voice of the people, and we will continue to present you with the information needed to TAKE BACK YOUR FREEDOM!

I would like to present to you, Reverend Al Miller (aka, the Nation’s Pastor). He represents thousands of citizens, Pastors, Doctors, Lawyers, Educators and other professionals in Jamaica, and we want to present an article to you that they will not print in Jamaica, and for good reason. I take pride in introducing to you ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!.”

Simone Jennifer Smith
Chief Reporter/ Operations Manager TCN


Thanks for the tremendous efforts in guiding and working to protect our nation in this challenging COVID-19 season. WE APPRECIATE the hard and timely work. You have carefully led us in observing the protocols with all attempts to control the spread. By and large, with just a few exceptions, our people have responded well. We have admirably satisfied the international requirements.


The sustained recommended lockdowns have caused great pressure and great problems. But creating a problem to solve a problem is not the best wisdom. Our people’s trust levels are waning. Frustration levels are rising. Wisdom says, change now. WE MUST PUT JAMAICA FIRST!

Many first world policy makers’ solutions are not practical for developing nations. They often enforce them for their own benefit. Tough questions now have to be asked. Whose interest is being served? To whose tune are we dancing? Is it some external force, or our own? Whose agenda are we following? Ours, or that of conventions and treaties, signed in favour of the big nations?

The suffering is great on our people. Greater on our children, the poor, small businesses, musicians, and sports persons and lower level workers across all industries. Hustlers (informal entrepreneurs) are all but totally disabled, along with their informal economy which represents bread and butter activity for hundreds of thousands.

The nation can take no more lockdowns. We are losing more than we gain by such action. It is no longer necessary, not beneficial, not just, not wise, not productive. We can be protective of our people and on the offensive against the virus, at the same time. It is being done elsewhere. Nations are now opening up (Mexico, Puerto Rico, Anguilla, Aruba, Britain, France, Croatia….).

We have followed, read all and listened to all media; those closely aligned to the system and the independents and we NOTE, the censorship of those who don’t carry the narrative of the status quo. Truth, integrity and honest reporting we cherish, in a free democracy but it seems scarce on this subject. Regardless, what is clear is, there are better options.

We are not unmindful of the international pressures that are often put on developing nations, some we have to stoutly resist for our good. This is one such occasion where we must now say ENOUGH is ENOUGH. We have long passed external control and abhor any return from any source. Freedom is our choice. Open contending views for best wisdom is necessary now. Everything can look good, sounds good until it is challenged. Truth can always stand any test.

We the people are EMPOWERING you to say NO to further lockdowns, seek national consensus and let’s TOGETHER devise the best methods for our national realities going forward.

We the people trusted you and voted you as our Jamaican Parliament and government. We did not elect the World Health Organization (WHO) or the United Nations (UN) or any other external entity. Those are support mechanisms, not our rulers or dictators. No independent nation can give up their sovereignty to external entities. We the people gave no such authority. The above groups and others must respect this right and freedom.

Since when can we leave our destiny and best interest to the dictates of forces that have never been known historically to prioritize our cause. Their track record consistently shows self-interest, using lies and deception.

When since those who seek to oppress for their own ends have ever spoken the truth of their intent? It was always denied and called ‘conspiracy theories’ We have not heard of their Damascus Road change experience. Inducing fear for control, along with dangling or withdrawing  ‘goodies’ as rewards or consequences, has been their consistent methods.  Suppression of information and opposing voices, threats, use of force, denial of freedoms, are not new to us, ‘ole time something come back again.’


Here are our arguments to the external pressures:

Firstly, world political ideology of power for control and the commercial philosophy of domination for control share a common goal. Where there are mutual benefits, temporary alliances are easily formed to achieve the goal and then divide the spoils, to the detriment of developing nations. This seems to be now occurring.

Secondly, they tell us; follow the science! Whose science?

Science of convenience to an agenda, OR science of: objectivity, balance, honesty and truth? Pure science can stand up to contending views and evidence.

The science of the creator is consistent, orderly and when understood, it is for development and advancement never for enslavement, but for freedom.

Science is never in conflict with God’s Word or humanity’s best welfare. Science is God’s creative genius of the earth for man’s survival. Man’s abuse causes problems, not its use.

There is evidence of tested proven medical protocols being successfully used by leading doctors that reduce hospitalizations and deaths. Using both known and proven existing medication and alternative medicine. Should we not explore and allow this, informing and giving freedom of choice?

Should not all medications that can help be approved and the society be educated on options available?  Isn’t it a citizen’s right to emergency care, or to try ANY therapeutic measures that could possibly SAVE lives and alleviate suffering?

Doesn’t the principle of the Helsinki Accord and the Hippocratic Oath of medical personnel not consider it unethical and immoral to deny the sick and dying patients a known therapeutic measure that has proven promise to save life and alleviate suffering.

Let us together, as a nation apply ATTACK as the approach to COVID and not a continued defensive one to our detriment.

We can beat COVID-19 by honest dialogue on optional ways to overcome. A different approach must now be engaged, as is being done elsewhere. This new approach could engender hope.

It is always a danger when people begin to lose faith in a system or process. Leaders take charge before more disastrous effects take place. Let’s not dance to anyone else’s music! Let’s create and dance to our own ‘riddim’ for Covid’s defeat.

There is a limit to how much a person can bear before negative responses and effects trips in. Our nation is at that limit. We have borne it for 15 months.

We have been understanding and gracious, giving the benefit of the doubt in many questionable situations. Our people and their children’s education have suffered setbacks and hardships. The lockdowns can be contributing to increased domestic abuse, sexual abuse and crime. The greatest impact is on the poor, it cannot continue like this. THERE IS OTHER WAYS TO ACHIEVE THE SAME ENDS!


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