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Every place a colonial power has gone, chaos, mismanagement and death have prevailed



Photo by James Wiseman on Unsplash


If you have been listening to every media outlet possible, all you will be hearing is profound support of the Ukrainian people and The Republic of Ukraine. A whole lot of nationalist bluster with smart media cuts to acquire your support and sympathy.

Yes, Russia has invaded a democratically run nation. This chaos is happening in Europe, and The EU is frantic about this war for many reasons, mostly all selfish. The EU’s energy source is primarily Russian. The economic sector is under threat, as are a substantial proportion of its population, not by direct war actions, but due to lack of energy supplies. Europe has taken in over three million Ukrainian migrants.

Years ago, when Africans suffered genocide in Rwanda: killer draughts in several nations, multiple civil wars, religious and ideological terrorist attacks upon their population and a turnover of one dictator to another. millions of Africans died. The United Nations did what they could to assist the population. The sympathy Africa received in no way resembles that which Ukraine is receiving. They have received billions of dollars of financial and military support, and the possibility of direct military action between NATO and Russia.

Africans received letters of support, many empty promises, but no open hands of friendship and support. Why? Why the political two-faced approach of the West?

Could it be because most Africans are indeed non-White, not Europeans, but sons and daughters of another mother? Why is Haiti still washed in corruption, crime, poverty and viewed as a breadbasket nation, a nation always in need. Whether: African, Caribbean, poverty stricken Black Americans, Central or Latin American, the Western powers’ opinion about these population and national needs are and will always be secondary to The European, American, and Chinese profit and political motives. Ukraine is the world’s present-day buzzword, its present-day project.

Western and Chinese charity is intended as a patch at the least as a patchwork project, at the most political and corporate theatre. Richard Gere took a stand in support of Tibet as it was absorbed into China. Where are all the millionaire celebrities who could speak up and represent the poverty stricken in these areas? Not good enough theatre? Is the death toll not high enough? Hip Hop Nation, where are you? Africa needs a media savvy leader like Ukraine’s President Zelensky to represent the ignored, afterthought that is Africa.

President Lincoln fondly said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” 

The West has evaded its responsibilities for far too long. Seemingly every place a colonial power has gone, chaos, mismanagement and death have prevailed to this very day.

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