Junior Contributors

Experiences that will put you ahead in the Skilled Trades and Technologies Industry



Photo Credit: Way Home Studio


A number of career opportunities that exist in skilled trades and technologies within Ontario. So far, the government has 144 skilled trades such: as mechanical, electrical, automotive, and manufacturing. If your child is interested in a career in skilled trades and technologies, Skills Ontario will provide you with some helpful tips and resources to get your child started.

Skills Ontario offers week-long summer camps for grade seven and eight students. The camps provide children with the opportunity to experience multiple career paths with activities. Students can also participate in the Career Awareness Workshop where they will hear about many of Ontario’s skilled trades including construction and industrial. Parents and students may access the application provided by Skills Ontario, which includes an interactive quiz that will link student interests to a trade occupation.

Students in Grades 11 and 12 can learn more about apprenticeships with their guidance counselors, or OYAP coordinators. Most schools have a trades course, and students can participate in the Skills Ontario Competition. Volunteer opportunities are also there with Skills Ontario where students can experience and meet people in the trade.

Students in college interested in entering the trades should speak to their academic advisors. If students are currently in a trades, or technology program they can compete in the post-secondary Skills Ontario Competition that gives students a chance to connect with potential future employers and display their skills. Connecting with these people makes finding jobs easier for students.

Skills Ontario has a YouTube channel with videos about different trades careers, it also has a podcast called “Skills Ontario Trades & Tech Talk.” The podcast is about different careers and other things, such as post-secondary education and wages.

By exploring these resources, students can begin to use those experiences that will put them ahead in the skilled trades and technologies industry.

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