
Fall is about to show us how beautiful letting go can be


Happy fall season star family!  We have officially said goodbye to summer, hope it was good to you. Now that we have switched seasons, we may notice our energy levels also fluctuating during this time as we realign to what the season brings.

Fall also brings with it the onset of Libra season. Libra is the sign symbolized by the scales, reminding us that life is a balancing act. The first day of fall we experience an equal amount of sunlight and darkness. We often strive for equality when trying to balance things in our lives, however I have found balance is more about harmony rather than equality.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet: of love, values and resources.  Libra is the sign of relationships, partnerships and justice. It calls us to look within the dynamics of our relationships. With Venus highlighting our values, just leaving retrograde, we may feel more inclined to review the value base in our current relationships. We can often step into relationships based on aesthetics, or physical attraction. Libra also fancies aesthetics and beauty, however when the aesthetics change or fade away, we will be left with what really keeps the relationship together.

Building a value-based foundation for our relationships is key for building strong relationships. Our values tell us what we prioritize, they help us direct our energy, time and resources. When our values do not align, it makes it extremely difficult to balance how we show up in our relationships.

Life is relational. From the moment we are born, we are in contact with someone else. We learn a lot about values in childhood from our parents, caregivers, teachers, peers and environment. As we get older, we hold onto the values that resonate the most with us, then begin to internalize these values as our own. Venus was retrograde, calling us to review the intentions behind our relationships.  As we have entered this fall season, we may need to let go, or let old value systems fall away that no longer serve us.

We might have grown up in a home where expressing our emotions wasn’t valued as much as hard work. We may find now in our current relationship dynamics we may not know how to advocate for our emotional needs, instead work harder at proving our value to others. This dynamic will lead down a spiral of people pleasing, often feeling unfulfilled. Coming back to what we truly value for ourselves, then working to express and embody said values will help attract others with those similar values.

When we are working with similar values in our personal relationships, or business partnerships, it allows us to build a foundation that everyone can prioritize. Having similar values cultivates a space for emotional safety making way for everyone to show up as their full authentic selves. It is only in authentic connections we can ensure we have the capacity to not just meet and serve our needs, but those of the ones we value and love.

This fall season I challenge you to review the intentions of your relationships. Our relationships start with ourselves, how we love ourselves, how we value ourselves is going to directly show up, impacting our relationships. Are there any beliefs, fears, patterns, value systems that you need to let fall away in order to restore balance and harmony in your relationships? Are you looking outside of yourself for emotional validation of your needs? How can you begin to express and embody your values?

The trees don’t worry about the leaves that are falling away, they know they have served their purpose. The leaves transform in colour and expression, then fall away to nurture and sustain the tree. In this transformation season of fall, let go of the anxiety of letting go; know that what falls away is going to sustain your transformation to make room for the relationships that truly value you. Fall is about to show us how beautiful letting go can be.


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