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Ford Called Out! MPP Randy Hillier questions Premier Ford, and his contradictory COVID-19 Laws


“Come and get me Doug! He didn’t come. He won’t have his prescribed laws tested in the courts.”

I have never seen someone speak out against the government as much as the man I had the pleasure of interviewing last week.

As a representative of the Lenark – Frotenac and Kingston regions, he has questioned the Premier about his approach to handling the current pandemic.

He has long been a thorn in the PC Government’s side because he continues to question their decision-making, and how it benefits the people of Ontario. Since May, he has opposed many of the contradictory COVID-19 laws, and last week Friday, I had the pleasure of speaking to MPP Randy Hillier. This article is a preview of a very powerful interview, that I think will add to the eye-opening interviews that I have had in the last couple weeks.

There has been a lot said about MPP Randy Hillier, and of course not all of it is good. There are reports of him being racist because of a Tweet that was posted questioning Federal Families, Children, and Social Development Minister Ahmed Hussen, after he spoke about being racially profiled.

Of course, this tweet happened to only be seen by the likes of CTV Ottawa News anchor Graham Richardson and Kayley Kennedy, the Federal Liberals’ candidate in Lanark – Frontenac – Kingston in last fall’s election. The PC Government sent a clear message to him that if he was not a team player, then he would not be working with them.

I always find it interesting when the race card is thrown out, and the context that it is brought up in. In any political battle, the opposition will do their best to make themselves look better, and the other guy looks bad. I would ask the Liberal Government to take a look at their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who not too long ago felt that black face was okay. He is all forgiving right? Yeah, interesting!

I say that to say this; my job is not to condemn the actions of others. My job is to present information to my community and hold the government accountable for all of their actions, especially actions that are disproportionately going to affect us.

The battle right now is about the stringent laws that continue to deplete us of our God given rights. During our discussion, Randy and I went over:
· The PCR screening tests
· Bill 218
· The fact that 99% of people are not at risk of catching Covid-19
· The many Covid-19 contradictions
· Isolation camps
· The devastating lockdowns
· How this pandemic has isolated people from their families and friends

I am going to only touch on a couple of these topics in this article, but I implore you to look past the distractions, and take hold of information that could very well save your life.

Reliability of PCR Tests for COVID-19
Testing, testing, and more testing. Tests have detected more than 14 million cases of COVID-19. It is simple right; you take the test, it shows up positive, and this means that you have the disease. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. When virus levels in a population are very low, the chances of a test accurately detecting COVID-19 is less than 50%. Testing is an important issue to look into, especially since the new round of testing has brought on lockdowns in regions across Ontario.

Since May, the Public Health Agency of Canada as well as virologists and other doctors around the world have been warning of problems with PCR testing.

Let’s take a look at how the PCR test works. PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. This is a technique used in molecular biology that amplifies a DNA template to produce specific DNA fragments.

Amplification cycles are used to amplify a sample to make it easier to find the RNA that identifies COVID in a person; the threshold, or maximum amplification cycle, known as ‘CT’, should not exceed 25, yet Ontario labs are testing at between 38 and 45 cycles. This simple increase in amplification causes false positives because of improper manipulation of the sample.

Interestingly enough, our government knows that the test is faulty. Minister Elliott (Deputy Premier of Ontario and Ontario Minister of Health) has not reported when the government became aware of this problem and why nothing has yet been done to address it.

Instead of committing to fixing the problem with PCR testing procedures, the Health Minister deflected by talking about other testing possibilities, many of which are not yet approved by Health Canada, or not widely available yet.

Randy mentioned Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer. Dr Yeadon argues that half, or even “almost all” of test for COVID-19 are false positives. He believes that the government is basing policies and creating lockdown, mask wearing, and social distancing laws based on what may well be completely fake data.

Bill 218
This is a Bill that MPP Randy Hillier is openly speaking out against, and for good reason. Bill 218 prevents the public from suing our government institutions for their liability during COVID. It undermines ministerial responsibility and subverts common law. It almost seems like the government is attempting to conceal their actions, responsibility, and culpability for the harm they have caused in their response to COVID. Below is a brief look at the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act, 2020. You can find the full Bill by visiting (https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-218).

Section 2 of the Act provides that no cause of action arises against any person as a direct or indirect result of an individual being or potentially being infected with or exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19) on or after March 17th, 2020 as a direct or indirect result of an act or omission of the person if,

(a) at the relevant time, the person acted or made a good faith effort to act in accordance with,

(i) public health guidance relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) that applied to the person, and
(ii) any federal, provincial or municipal law relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) that applied to the person; and

(b) the act or omission of the person does not constitute gross negligence.
Proceedings directly or indirectly based on or related to any such matter may not be brought, and any that exist when the Act comes into force are deemed to have been dismissed without costs. The terms “good faith effort”, “law”, “public health guidance”, and “person” are defined and clarified in section 1 of the Act.

So, we as the community have to leave trust in the government that they are acting in our “Good Faith.” Good faith is an abstract and comprehensive term that encompasses a sincere belief or motive without any malice or the desire to defraud others. Basically, we have to trust a government that has failed the African- Caribbean community in the past.

This bill has a familiar tone to it. Our neighbours in the U.S. have U.S Code § 300aa–22.Standards of responsibility, which states that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1st, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
I will be honest; I am a little weary of any Bill that will allow someone to distance themselves from an outcome that they are responsible for. Something to ponder.

Isolation/Quarantine Facilities
This last point is of some concern. In parliament, Randy asked the Ford government if they knew how many of the isolation camps would be built and how many people the government expects to detain.

If you have not heard the Government of Canada is currently soliciting feedback and information from industry service providers for additional Federal Quarantine/Isolation sites. If built, the worry is that these sites could be used for other requirements, and not only for COVID-19 imposed quarantines.

If you are interested, you can find the solicitation for feedback on the Government of Canada’s Buyandsell.gc.ca website as a tender notice Letter of Interest, and Request for Information for Federal Quarantine/Isolation sites.

Randy forwards that the government must be in negotiations and aware of these plans to potentially detain and isolate citizens and residents of our country and our province. When he began his line of questioning concerning the camps in parliament, his mike was turned off.

Since then, the Premier has been actively dodging questions about the Isolation camps. The question that we need to ask our government is why? Why are they not talking about this?

The Public Health Agency of Canada is currently managing eleven quarantine isolation sites across Canada. These include sites in: Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Winnipeg, Regina, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Fredericton, St. John’s (Newfoundland), and Whitehorse. Each site is set up to detain up to 1,600 travellers for up to fourteen days at a time. The sites can be temporarily discontinued until needed again by the Government of Canada. The facilities may be used for “other requirements” for the next two years, as deemed necessary to safeguard the public health.

Let us take a look at a live example; Dr Jacques Girard, leader of the Quebec City public health authority, stated during a press conference that a number of customers who were supposed to wait for COVID-19 test results left, and that is why they were taken forcibly and place into isolation by the state.

Why is this scary? Well, let’s take a look at the history of concentration camps. They were established on February 28th, 1933 under the “Protective Custody.” This law allowed the police to make arrests based on the suspicion of criminal activity and interred without a trial or legal representation.

Not sure what to say Toronto. It looks like we are heading down a scary path, and all I can hope is that more of us wake up and start standing up for our human rights. For now, all we can do is do the work. This means being diligent media consumers and doing our research.


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