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Freedom Lost – How to create a socialist state


“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. Those who have known freedom, then lost it, have never known it again”  Ronald Reagan

In the last few weeks, stories have been revealed to me that would scare people to death. Stories that would not make sense to many of us born and raised in the western world. We have experienced freedoms that are taken for granted, and I only know this after the many emails I have received; emails filled with fear about what is to come here in Canada.

Those who have lived through and under communism can instantly recognize any signs of communist ideology, no matter how subtle it is. To them, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. One specific feature pointed out to me is this notion of being saved by the government. “If someone is trying to save me by telling me that I should wear a mask (against my constitutional rights as a human being), socially distance myself from my family, and control where I can go, when I can go there, I am instantly wary,” I was told by someone who grew up and left to come to Canada in hopes of never having to experience that lifestyle again.

Imagine what it must feel like for Canadians who have escaped communism, are now living in Canada, and see the same tactics, ideologies, and messages coming through the media. Things that they say and heard for years under communism, only now it was in English!

What a crazy year! There is so much to be afraid of. Deaths, new variants, concern for our families, our livelihoods; there is just enough to distract us from the political disruption that is occurring.

There was an academic paper produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (May, 2020) concluding that deaths caused by the 1918 influenza pandemic “Profoundly shaped German society,” in subsequent years and contributed to the strengthening of the Nazi Party.

The Nazis benefited from the social dislocations of the 1918-20 pandemic because there was no such electoral boost for any other extremist parties. They had systematically been spoon-feeding the nation small doses of socialism until when people finally began to wake up, they were now living in a communist society.

With the political and economic disruption that COVID-19 has generated, stories are being revealed from individuals who are seeing how our nation is being spoon-fed. This highlights the enduring social risks that are to come with this Covid-19 pandemic.

“There is a level of admiration I actually have for China, Ahh, because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.”  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The first red flag; when the leader of your country is in awe of the leaders of a communist country. The aspect that most concerns someone like myself, and many other freethinking journalists is the communist-style media control that is being erected here in Canada. Within a communist nation, government control is paramount. There needs to be a: control of education, control of media, control of religion, control of sexuality–control of every aspect of society. How is this control inserted and maintained; good old fashion propaganda.

When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press, just like the freedoms we currently have in Canada. Through decrees and laws, the Nazis abolished these civil rights and destroyed German democracy. Throughout this pandemic, Canadian democracy has been disrupted, and the Canadian Constitution of Rights and Freedoms almost seems as if it does not exist.

Starting in 1934, it was illegal to criticize the Nazi government. Fast forward to 2021, if you write, or say anything that is against what the standing government states, you are considered a threat to society, or a conspiracy theorist. You are condemned for not caring about others if you do not do exactly what the government tells you to do. What has also become standard is this idea of cancel culture, and censorship.

Individuals like Del BigTree, Alex Jones, David Icke have all been demonized and had their social media accounts removed. Why? Well, because the message that they are delivering to the public is not in line with the approved upon narrative (propaganda).

In the next few months, what the Canadian government is proposing to do is: controlling what news appears in newspapers, on the radio, and in newsreels. There is already a glorification of China happening at the very top of our political food chain, and negative images and ideas about anyone opposing the COVID-19 restrictions are being flooded through mainstream media.

It is reasonable for you, our readers to understand that political shifts such as the one we are experiencing happens in stages:

Stage 1: Polarize the Nation (Divide and Conquer)
First, you introduce injustice. One group of people – poor workers – are made to feel victimized by a second group, to the point that they demand civil discourse.

During this first stage, there is a focus on altruistic people – people with big hearts, full of good intentions, who believe in doing good, for goodness’ sake.

It is one of the reasons why we have to be understanding of some of our politicians. They truly mean well but are naïve, and their good nature makes them easy to manipulate. These people are essential to the success of the New World Order that we have all been hearing about.

Stage 2: Destabilize Society
During the second stage, the basic values of society are targeted for change. Guess where they start the change? In the education system. What was shared with me was that a communist government will always use teachers and the education system to impose its ideology, and promote its values.

Students are constantly reminded of how we live in the “Best political system in the world,” the “Country with the best social justice and equality.” Teachers participate in this process, knowingly, or unknowingly. Remember, they use people who have good intentions, who believe in doing good. What they don’t realize is that they are exploiting a child’s emotional immaturity, lack of experience, and lack of reasoning ability.

My primary responsibility in the community is working with family and students. When I have students sharing with me why they hate Donald Trump, or why anti-maskers are bad because their teachers told them that, it sheds light on this entire situation. It is happening very subtly, but it is happening.

Stage 3: Revolution of the people
After some time, the current government begins to gain the support of a majority of the people. This has happened. In Canada, they have given up their freedom, and have blindly obeyed all COVID-19 protocols without doing their own research or questioning what they are being told to do.

Small business owners are being squeezed dry, leaving room for larger conglomerates to take over. For example, with this new essential only, wherein certain businesses, they have to section off these items, and people are not allowed to buy them. I most recently wrote an article about who determined what was essential for people. I have received tremendous feedback, and open dismay at the fact that if you go into Metro, Longo’s or Shoppers Drug Mart, all the items deemed non-essential are open for people to purchase.

What about the leaders who are responsible for imposing all of these new laws, and ushering in what to some is seen as communist power. Well, let’s take a look at what is happening with Premier Doug Ford now. Just like that, Ontarians are beginning to show their distaste for what he has done to the people of Ontario. It seems that Premier Ford in now enslaved into the ideology he was pushing, and is on television crying. Now you are crying?

The primary tool being used is F.E.A.R. FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.

There is a fear of being ostracized, canceled, laughed at, de-monetized, or demonized. Fear is the primary tool for keeping people silent and obedient. As Canadians, we need to take a moment, step back and really look at what is happening.


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