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Global Brain Drain Syndrome; the Global intelligence crisis continues



Photo Credit: Amateur Hub


Oh, what I’d give to be surrounded by well-educated nerds. Actually, I am if you count your family into this particular group. Why such a response?

Well, have you watched the national and international news media lately? A collection of events presented to us with objectivity in mind.

  1. War between Ukraine and Russia continues to place the world at the precipice of an expanding war into Europe with possible complications involving nuclear weapons.
  2. The terrible snowstorms that struck Ontario, Western Buffalo and beyond showed the nation that among our population there are people who cannot think for themselves in an appropriate manner.  While the authorities told “everyone” to stay home, because the roads were perilous, many thousands of Americans and Canadians hoping to begin their vacations travelled these roads, roads with no emergency staffing. The snow continued piling up and many of these people got stuck, and some froze to death. Foolish people taking a chance and suffering because of the decisions they made.

Are our brains shrinking? Has a new evolutionary cycle begun, where the IQ of many of our neighbours have stopped growing, but been declining over time?

Evan Horowitz, Director of Communications at FCLT Global People thinks people are getting dumber, not just nationally, but on a global scale. A decade of research throughout the world has shown that individual IQ scores, which predict educational achievement and intelligence longevity, are linked to a nation’s economic growth and scientific innovation.

There is a wholesale decline of IQ’s internationally, driven downward because of many things such as: the effects of the food we consume, the education we are prepared to pursue, environmental and social elements that we find ourselves within, media’s effect upon us, the very water we need to survive.

The more we watch the Kardashians, the greater the dumbing down of our society continues. When we are consumed by: the entertainment we watch, the things we must have, the perpetual laziness found within many of our lives, we are unable to achieve at the level that we should be.

You are what you: eat, consume, watch, and hope for. Most Americans use only 9% of their brain capabilities, and within the global sphere many of our global neighbours use even less brain power. This brain drain ultimately leads to fewer scientific breakthroughs, stagnant economies, and general dimming of our collective futures.

If keeping up with the Jones is the only challenge you abide by, no wonder we are globally screwed. Our short-term memories are challenged each day, but it does not expand, while our dependence upon AI and electronics continue to grow.

Rising IQ scores are clear evidence of social progress, and proof of humanity getting definitively smarter.  With a declining global IQ score comes further dependence upon our electronic tools, and our dependence upon others to care for our needs.

Here is what we may need to do:

  • Stop the production of plastics, or at least develop systems that recycle and reuse all plastics. Plastic degrades, and as it does it will release enzyme’s dangerous to our nervous systems. The very water we consume has these dangerous enzymes, enzymes that our filtration systems cannot protect us from.
  • Education must become a legally required process throughout our lives, where citizens must legally be educated. An educated person is a useful person.
  • As long as people eat the minimum or less than the minimum, as long as they consume useless foods IQ’s will decline. Fresh, nourishing food, with vitamins and minerals that grow your health must become available to all.
  • The capitalist system must be challenged. Capitalism views the population in terms such as the wolves (who have) and the sheep (have not). As long as our society is based upon division socially, economically and culturally, society will stagnate, less evolving, more dependent upon things, less so on others. When our very own DNA is going to be the next great privacy issue, we must realize only through education and intelligent planning can we keep what makes us who we are our own property.
  • Less challenges to one’s mind, leaves a person in a situation where laziness and apathy rule their day. The rise of lower skilled jobs produces a situation where individuals lack passion for what they do, lacking reasons to do better while receiving less money for their work.

There is a real bleak scenario appearing before us all. As this global intelligence crisis continues, humanity’s problem-solving abilities also decline, placing the globe in a situation of global brain drain syndrome. Your child’s IQ is a global concern. That child could be a: philosopher, scientist, technician or achiever never before seen, a person that could save us all.

Quite a challenge, eh?

A responsibility that we all must take on if our species is to not only survive, but globally excel within this universe.

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