Community News

Grenada Carriacou and Petite Martinique urgently need your support



Photo provided by Michael Thomas, photo credit unknown.


As most people must have known by now, Hurricane Beryl moved through the Caribbean and did enormous damage to one of Grenada’s sister islands named Carriacou, This Island was practically flattened.

This Island is only 13 square miles, and the population had no hiding place from the fury of Beryl. Most houses were removed from where they were, and those that remained standing had no roofs, doors, or windows not to mention the water damage and all the fury a hurricane the size of Beryl came with.

The video view that I saw was sickening. Complete families were sleeping on the floors of what was left of a shelter and the look on the faces of the inhabitants was of total loss and devastation.

That said, Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique are blessed with a very strong-willed and ambitious population and me being a Grenadian I know there are going to be brighter days ahead, Yah willing.

As we speak this Island needs every bit of help that it can get, and it is with all this damage in mind that the Grenada Association here in Toronto is appealing to the diaspora and friends for their much-needed support right now. Here are a few words from the Grenada Association in Toronto.

“The Board and Executive of the Grenada Association Toronto (GAT) extend our deepest empathy and support to everyone affected by Hurricane Beryl. We understand that this disaster has profoundly impacted our homeland Grenada notably Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

The GAT stands firmly in solidarity with our brothers and sisters during this challenging time and remains committed to providing the necessary support to help our communities recover and rebuild.

We will continue to work under a twofold strategy that will provide short-term relief and long-term support in rebuilding affected areas. The GAT also extends heartfelt commendation and gratitude to the authorities, the first responders, community organizations, and all our local heroes for their love and extraordinary endeavors in facilitating relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.”

Here are the relief drop-off locations in Ontario.

  • Earla’s Restaurant—477 Oakwood Avenue York, ON
  • Avenue Restaurant—1085 Bellamy Rd North #4 Scarborough, ON
  • Premier Jour—1292 Saint Clair Ave, Toronto, ON
  • Carib Dish Restaurant—490 Maple View, Barrie, ON
  • Private Property—178 Moffatt Avenue Brampton, ON

Here are some urgently needed supplies that would be greatly appreciated: water, adult Pampers, non-perishable foods, 5-gallon jerry cans of water, blankets, sleeping bags, baby foods, batteries and battery packs, flashlights, chainsaws, and tarpaulins.

Monetary donations can be made at.

  • Grenada disaster preparedness Toronto
  • (Notation: Hurricane Relief)
  • Bank Name: Bank of Montreal (BMO) Bank Number: 010
  • Bank Account Number: 0373 8892 352 Transit Number: 03732

Thanks for your generous support

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