
Holy! Did you feel that shift?




Greetings family! The cosmos sure have a story to tell us this week.

We’re only a couple of weeks into January and we’re already experiencing a lot of extreme and intense energy.

Extreme fires in Australia, conflicts between the US and Iran, changes in the structure of the Royal Family are just a few of the major changes we have seen as a collective since the beginning of 2020. As individuals we have been feeling and experiencing just as much burning for change, inner conflicts and changes to our family structure.  Let’s see what the cosmos have to tell us!

On January 10th we had our first full moon lunar eclipse of the decade! Lunar eclipses are like an energetic and emotional reset. This gives us the opportunity to finally face and release emotional baggage and trauma we have been carrying. Full moon energies usually linger for at least two weeks, however when compounded with an eclipse, the energy lasts up to six months! This is an important time to focus on what you need to face and release for a successful 2020.

The full moon eclipse was in the sign of Cancer. The moon heavily influences Cancer. Therefore, the moon is exalted in Cancer and its energies can feel more intense in this placement. Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac. Its energy is very nurturing, emotion driven, maternal and intuitive. With sun in Capricorn, the sign of structure, boundaries and ambition, joined by Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter, we are all experiencing something similar to an inner tug of war.

Saturn is asking us to set boundaries to ensure we are nurturing people we love and ourselves. Pluto is asking us where we need to transform our lives by putting parts that are no longer serving us to death. Mercury is asking us if our thoughts are in alignment with our true self, are we speaking our truth. Lastly we have Jupiter asking us to expand to new horizons and to set goals bigger than we’ve ever dreamed. This is a whole lot of energy going on here. It is quite easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious and drained.

Listen to Mama Moon during this time. Lean on her nurturing and intuitive energy. Slow down. We have to be mindful of how we react and rather respond from a place of clarity.

This eclipse is giving you a glimpse of what 2020 is all about. It’s a period of individual collective change. It’s an opportunity to reset your goals and ultimately your life.

If you need to use this Cancer energy to restructure your home and family (like Meghan and Harry) 2020 is the time to do it. Be intentional. Make the necessary changes to release and let go what no longer serves you. Do not allow your emotions to consume you like a wild fire destroying all within and around you. Let the eclipse energy cast a shadow on your fears and illuminate what needs to be reborn.

I know it’s the beginning of the year; you have all these goals to smash, all these plans and resolutions to keep. Please remember this is the year you build your foundation for the next decade. Take your time, slow down and think things through. Be extremely intentional with your thoughts, words and actions.

As the late, great Nipsey Hussle would say, “This is a marathon.” Be gentle, pace yourself, we are shifting into new times!

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