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How effective are our community programs? Malton Neighbourhood Services gets feedback on its Black Family Support Program


It has been 48 years now since the Malton Neighbouring Services (MSN) has been providing programs and services to the Malton and neighboring areas. As a non-profit, charitable organization it has delivered settlement and community support services since it was launched in 1975. They are dedicated to supporting the creation of connected, safe, and strong communities by offering and engaging in activities that recognize and respect the diversity of the neighbourhood it serves. MSN’s head office is located at 3540 Morning Star Drive in Malton, and its Brampton location is at 3975 Cottrelle Blvd.

Some of the programs and services offered are:

Community Action Program for Children

Aims to improve healthy child development by improving parenting skills and parent-child relationships.

Dental Clinic

Offers free dental screening for children in collaboration with the Region of Peel/Health Services.

EarlyON and Family Centres

Offer free, early learning programs for families and children from birth to six years old.

Legal Clinic

Offers a free, walk-in-legal clinic in partnership with Mississauga Community Legal Services.

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)

Free English Language classes for permanent residents and condition refugees.

Settlement Services

Settlement support services offered to permanent residents, landed immigrants, convention refugees, and live-in caregivers.

Employment Supports

Aid with job search support, including a program tailored for immigrant women.

Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)

Offer settlement support at local schools, helping immigrant families to navigate the school system.

Seniors Program

Provides assistance for Seniors in completing pensions, disability forms, income tax and other government forms.

Women’s Support

Offer advocacy, supportive counseling, referral services for women, including help for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse.

Youth Programs

(i) Youth Academic Supports

Includes homework, after school programs and educational and employment counselling support.

(ii) Youth Outreach

Serve “hard-to-reach” youth aged 12-21 connecting them with services across the Region of Peel

(iii) Malton Youth Wellness Hub

For youth aged 12-25, to address their needs related to mental, psychological, educational, social and residential issues.

(iv) Youth Justice Support Re-Integration Program

For youth ages 12-17 in conflict with the law.

Black Family Support Program (BFSP)

Provides culturally informed services for Black children, youth, and families within the Region of Peel.

On Friday, August 11th, 2023, MSN held a Town Hall meeting to elicit feedback regarding Black community resources, services and programs offered through the BFSP. BFSP is a multifaceted program that includes drop-in play-based learning experiences, parent supports, individual and family counselling, 2SLGBTQ+ youth programs and systems navigation.

Dominique Reeves, a support social worker with the BFSF introduced details about the program and mentioned the names of the team that work with her. In attendance was the Chief Executive Officer of the BFSF who described his involvement from the early days up to the present.

There were discussions about how to reach the community, especially the youth and those who have mental health challenges. Challenges were mentioned such as the stigmatization of mental illness and reluctance to get mental help from counselors. In addition, many of the mental health issues are often undiagnosed, and there is a long waiting list to access the limited trained professionals. Furthermore, the lack of culturally appropriate services further compounds existing health and social inequalities.

Karla Bailey, Director of MNS described the many programs that are offered. There were ongoing discussions regarding the different requirements and structures that must be followed. These create inevitable challenges when MNS attempts to go beyond the limitations of the prescribed requirements. The Importance of publicizing the BFSF was stressed to bring awareness to the Malton area.

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