How to stop widespread shootings in America? Well let’s look at this for a moment. Ideas?
School shootings
Make schools into fortresses, with metal detectors, trained teachers in self-defence, and a closed school policy, where no one can leave, or enter without supervision. School children are trained in self-defence, and urban warfare tactics. A recruitment source for the police and military can then be created in time.
Churches and community gathering places
Visitors are frisked for weapons, explosives and weapons.
Malls and places of business
Individuals investigated on a monthly basis as to their state of mind. All places of business are required to be able to close their business securely should an incident happen. Private security guards should be employed as well (retired and former military).
The National Guard is positioned near civilian communities, ready to punch upon any threat, assist police officers in crowd and situational control.
Local politicians in power can declare a state of emergency where special police and military powers are instigated. Curfews are established, no more than three people can gather together at any one time.
Police can at a notice initiate a kill before asking protocol. Private property MUST be protected at all costs, even if it costs citizens their constitutional-legislated rights.
All citizens are required to go through extensive annual interviews by police or security personnel to evaluate their state of mind as well as their economic/financial status.
The constitution must be revised to reimagine-retranslate the Fourth Amendment: the right of the people to be secure. Police and security forces will at times be allowed to enforce laws that will negate the Fourth Amendment for the purpose of local-national security, and protection of private property
Immigration policies limiting the passage of people that could threaten the nation’s security will be established. Oh yah, that law already exists. Perhaps they will strengthen this limiting power, to determine which ethnic, race, sexual, religious and political attitudes are wisely allowed into the nation.
The nations as you know it will change, but you will all be safe, secure and managed.