
It is time to plant a fresh start, a brand-new beginning; events like this happen once in a blue moon


Greetings Star Family!  I pray you are all well and divinely guided. The phrase once in a blue moon is an astrological phrase. Blue moons happen when we have two new moons in a span of a month. In late March we had the first New Moon in Aries. We had just shifted over into Aries season, it was a time to reaffirm our passions, ambitions and recommit to our I Am, our greater soul purpose.

The second New Moon on April 19th is also an eclipse. Making this blue moon an extra special one. Eclipse brings an emotional reset. What’s in the dark finally comes to light to be embraced or released.

In the sign of Aries, this eclipse will highlight our hidden ambitions and passions. It may also trigger repressed anger or resentment in areas of our relationships. This eclipse is the perfect time to sit in reflection around who you really are. What type of life do you want to live? What are your passions? Are you living your dreams, why or why not? What type of relationships do you want to experience?

This is our life. We have the power to choose what type of life we want to live and what kinds of relationships we want to engage in. The common factor in all our relationships, whether it be our relationship with others, food, sex, money, etc, the common factor is always ourselves. If we want to see a change in our environment, relationship or finances, we must start with ourselves.  As New Moons are for new intentions, we can set new intentions to recommit to our purpose, ambitions and authenticity.  Eclipse energy lingers for six months; where do you want to see yourself six months from now?  The answer will show up in our relationships.

The next couple of weeks might feel more chaotic for some. The day after the eclipse, Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus. This transit will call us all to ground ourselves in our values and not get lost in the wave of emotions the eclipse energy may bring. Retrogrades are always a time to slow down to reflect on the area in which the planet is retrograde. In this case, we are in the first earth sign of the zodiac, Taurus.  Taurus has a naturally slower pace compared to fiery Aries season. Taurus calls us to slow down and smell the roses, feel the texture of the petals and appreciate the natural luxury life offers us.

Taurus is also a sign of values, self-worth, material possessions, money and land. During this retrograde, we can expect shocking revelations around these themes, as Mercury will meet up with Uranus, the planet of change, revolution and shocking liberation. Mercury rules our thoughts, communication, technology and transportation.

Look out for delays when traveling, and this would be a good time to tune up your car.  Be mindful of how you use your words, miscommunication is more prone to happen when emotionally overwhelmed. We can use this time to realign our thoughts and our current values.  As the eclipse will reveal more of who we truly are, just as we evolve, our values must do so as well. Are we who we say we are? What is our current relationship with our values? Are they just nice things we think and say, or do we embody our values?

As Taurus is earth energy, the thoughts we plant now will eventually bloom by harvest time. Do we have negative self-talk? Are you overthinking yourself out of your blessings? Taurus is a very sensual sign, reminding us to get out of our mind to get out of our way. In order to really align with our intuition, inner knowing, we must fall into our body and express from the heart.

This eclipse and retrograde season are giving us all the emotional reset that we all need. We have been what feels like a never-ending emotional roller coaster since 2020.  Take your time to ground and process your emotions; clear away what no longer serves you. It is time to plant a fresh start, a brand-new beginning.  Choose you, events like this happen once in a blue moon.


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