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Joseph Biden signed what most financial experts call the death warrant on American freedoms




On March 9th, 2022, Joseph Biden signed what most financial experts called the death warrant on American freedoms, financially and literally.

Biden did something that no U.S. president has ever done. He secretly in a hushed ceremony at the White House without the knowledge of: congress, the state, or the American people signed into law executive order 14067.

Here is what he did in a nutshell.

Concealed in the documents signed by Biden in paragraph four are words that no American citizen in their right mind would have agreed with, but then again, they never knew about this plan.

The plan reads like this.

  • Legal government surveillance of all citizens
  • Total control over your bank account and purchases
  • The ability to silence all descending voices for good

Jim Rickards, a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the Department of Defence, plus an attorney and investment banker weighs in on the ramifications of what is in store if the people don’t reject this fraud.

“I’ve never made this kind of public announcement before, but it’s my duty to pull the alarm,” Rickards said.

Rickards explained how the plan to replace cash with a digitized version of the US dollar is far more sinister than it looks.

Every “digital dollar” will be programmed by the government; this means that they will be able to turn your money on or off at will, tracking and tracing every purchase that you make.”

Here in Canada, we have seen a version of this kind of punishment. Canadian banks and Trudeau came together and froze the accounts of those who were considered enemies of the narrative. It will be no different with digital or traceable currency.

This is not years away; he told his audience; it is happening now. Russia and China have already launched pilot programs testing digital money schemes.

More than half of the governments of the globe and nearly 90% of central banks are exploring digital currency as we speak. Rickards revealed the urgency with which all this is happening saying, “It is not a question of will America implement a digital dollar, but just a question of when.”

When an institution as conservative as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) admits that digital currencies are the way forward as far as money is concerned, it is very concerning especially if you are a person who resents being financially controlled.

According to Rickards, CBDC will be implemented no matter who wins any future elections, this plan has been in the works for many years, also the U.S. Federal Reserve has been quietly partnering with scientists at MIT to develop a digital currency to replace the dollar.

I mentioned in opening this article that Biden made this possible by signing the order, but imagine on March 29th, 2022, just days after Biden’s Order 14067 was signed into law, Representative Stephen F. Lynch introduced H.R. 7231, The Electronic

Currency and Secure Hardware Act.

Rickards said, “I believe we’ll see the first rollout of the new digital dollar in 2023 or 2024, it is right on schedule.”

With traceable currency right behind the door, it is not farfetched to imagine governments seizing the assets and properties of their so-called enemies.

Someone once said, it is amazing how governments steal and pass it off as law. Not so long-ago Roosevelt ordered all US citizens to hand over their privately owned gold, not complying was made illegal and was punishable by huge fines and even jail time.

It will be interesting to see what the punishment for bartering with your neighbours will be if or when CBDC becomes the law of the land, imagine getting two months in jail for trading sardines for rice. Please pay attention friends, you have been warned.

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