Personal Development

Just what the doctor ordered


There are times in life where we get to a crossroad and have to slow down. It’s not that we actually want to, but our bodies are no longer able to give us energy, sustain the movement and we are dead tired. Been there before? This is the time where we are supposed to rest. So as a driven entrepreneur this for me is super hard. Rest… I want to fuel up, get moving and change the world, my inner voice calls out. However, my body is saying otherwise. So instead of getting to this point where there is no option but to chill out and wait it out, let’s start to incorporate self-care into our daily lives. Why do we have to hit a wall and completely shut down? We actually don’t. It’s just that some of us who are natural runners and movers do this.

So here are a few tips to keep you moving;

1. Find small increments of time in the day to stop and breathe

This one is a big one that can help keep us calm down, relieve stress and pull the tension out of the body. It is the easiest one to implement because all it takes is to stop however, it’s the hardest one I think because it requires us to slow down and think about it. This action can be done anywhere. You finish a meeting early and you can close your eyes and connect with your breathe in the car before you hit the road. You can do it at home sitting on your couch before you turn the TV on to watch a show. It’s such an easy tool to release the stress in your body and connect with yourself.

2. Working out and movement for the body

Our bodies are meant to move. They are these magical embodiments and our lifestyles sometimes inhibit this from happening on a regular basis. Regular exercise has been proven to help the body deal with stress (as most times we release it in the exercise itself) and to help us be happier with who we are. When our bodies and minds feel good we tend to live in this space and it leaks into all parts of our lives. It makes us want to see the people we love, it makes us confident to develop that new product, it helps us get closer to the better version of ourselves. Also, it helps equip the body with stamina to fit illness and fatigue.

3. Take time out for self-care weekly

This one is the game changer. Scheduling time for you to self-care. It might be a spa appointment or playing video games until all hours of the night. Each person’s self-care regime is different, unique and honored. You have to make a choice as to what fuels your soul and by doing those activities you will find that you are taking care of yourself. You are pressing pause for a while to honor rest, relaxation and connection.

So, wherever you are in the world, on your path or in your journey, rest up my friend. Take care of yourself so that you don’t have to be forced into downtime and you can keep that train on the tracks.

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