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KEEPING YOU DISTRACTED – While most people look at Ukraine and Russia, The WHO is pushing vaccine passports on humanity quietly but swiftly




Memorize these names. These are the folks who do not have your freedom in mind and the list goes like this.

Google, Amazon, Apple, the Government of Aruba, Walmart, and dozens of insurance companies, hospitals, “bio-security firms” and seemingly every major university in the US.

These names mentioned above are all members of a group that calls itself the Vaccination Credential Initiative. The company was conveniently founded in January 2021 by the co-founder Brian Anderson. The company was created to fix the much-complicated injection pass that was implemented in many countries in a very timely fashion.

VCI™ is a voluntary coalition of public and private organizations committed to empowering individuals with access to verifiable clinical information, including a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.

To add insult to injury, here is VCI’s code of conduct.

VCI™ expects verifiers to adhere to the following core set of requirements in order to protect and properly interpret SMART Health Cards:

  • Verifiers shall not store SMART Health Cards, or any data included within them, beyond what is required for verification at the time of presentation
  • Verifiers shall check SMART Health Cards against a list of trusted issuers
  • Verifiers shall comply with all applicable laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act

This is all being done quietly but swiftly while the rest of the earth’s inhabitants are being side-tracked by the Russia, Ukraine show.

What is more insulting is that the US government would like to have its citizens believe that it’s not involved in storing their private information, in the meantime, they are funding the companies who do just that. They are subcontracting the dirty work while reaping the benefits of harvesting citizen’s information, and the proof is very evident in the Fake-Vaccine passports.

One reputable news agency said it best “SMART Health Cards are run by VCI, which was created by the MITRE Corporation, which is funded by the United States government.”

These corporate giants are fronts for government programs, and, in return, they get a huge part of the profits, bailouts if and when needed, and regulatory “reforms” that put their small competitors out of business.

The world has seen this scenario with monster companies like Facebook and Twitter who harvest data for the government and then censor anyone they are told to, then they are rewarded with “regulation” that hardly hurts them while targeting smaller social sites like Parler, Telegram, or Gab.

Anyone that allows these injection passport pushers to harvest their information might as well be giving it to all branches of government as well as the companies and major universities mentioned above in this article.

Again, all this has been done while the world focuses on the Russia-Ukraine so-called war, while the WHO has quietly partnered with Deutsche Telekom to create a global digital COVID-19 injection certificate.

The plan between these two entities is to use QR code-based software to display proofs of this vaccination anywhere in the world, and in addition to the fake COVID-19 injections, the app will include other vaccinations that the WHO decides are appropriate for the world. The public-private partnership intends to build the digital infrastructure to bully citizens into showing their papers” anywhere on the planet.

Things are just starting to warm up for the WHO. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of that clan, together with his associates is preparing an international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness, for participating countries whose so-called leaders are brainless.

This global binding agreement would override their nation’s constitution and pandemic response strategies and will establish a predetermined global response to any “pandemic.” something this ungodly crew always wanted. If things go according to plans the outcome will be submitted for consideration by 2024.

After creating a pandemic that has killed countless people so far with their gain of function virus, this clan is now seeking exclamatory powers to create and service more and more of the same, all under the disguise of your health and safety.

Speaking of safety, Glenn Lee Beck who is an American conservative political commentator, radio host, television producer, founder, and owner of Mercury Radio had some interesting things to say about the world’s government, Canada included, and their immediate plans for us.

“The World Economic Forum has a new wish to control everything in your life: a digital ID system that would collect personal data about your online behaviour, purchase history, network usage, medical history, travel history, energy uses, health stats, and more.

They would then use this data to determine who should open bank accounts, conduct financial transactions, access insurance and treatment, book trips, cross borders, and more.”

Beck urges listeners to stop believing that terrifying proposals like this one are beyond the realm of possibilities. “Look at what’s happened in the last few months alone,” Glenn says, “Nothing is beyond the realm of possibilities anymore.”

Adolph Hitler once said, “By the skillful use of propaganda, one can make people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” From the looks of things these days Hitler could not have been more on point.

After two years of incarceration, loss of income, business closures, suicide, family deaths in which family members could not be at their loved one’s bedside, the organized deaths of the elderly in nursing homes, peaceful protests been broken up by vicious police brutality, and the seizures of bank funds belonging to the peaceful protesters, some people still see “A promise to lift mandates on a poison injection” as a good thing. Hitler was so right. Let us not forget that a promise is a comfort to a fool.

Speaking of fools, Canada has more lying fools in public office per square capita than they have racoons. Imagine a certain so-called public servant blaming the un-injected for prolonging the Pandemic and even going as far as asking “Should we tolerate them.”

Another Canadian politician announced in January 2021 that he planned to charge adults not vaccinated against coronavirus a “health contribution fee,” saying, “Those who refuse to get the shot bring a financial burden to hospital staff.” Well, the verdict is out, and it came from the government of Canada itself.

Between January 16th February 13th, Canada had 2,207 deaths over these four weeks and the triple/double vaccinated population made up 1,463 of them. A further 76 deaths were recorded among the partly vaccinated, whilst just 668 deaths were recorded among the unvaccinated.

This means the not vaccinated population accounted for 30% of all COVID-19 deaths between January 16th, 2022 and February 13th, 2022, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for 70%, with 66% of deaths among the double/triple vaccinated and 4% of deaths among the partly vaccinated yet, for some politicians especially in Ontario the “COVID theater” continues.

In closing, some of the masses may be confused as to why these non-governmental entities mentioned earlier in this article participate in the implementation of these “injection passports” or wondering if they are a part of the whole scheme, and the answer is yes. Just like in anything else they could have said no, but money and the illusion of power is very addictive.

See why the VCI labels them as “Participating organizations.”

VCI™ participating organizations commit to testing, refining, and implementing the SMART Health Cards Framework within their sphere of influence and they also commit to providing vaccination records in their stewardship directly to individuals in accordance with the VCI™ Implementation Guide via:

  • Any compatible digital wallet of the individual’s choice
  • PDF or paper with QR codes containing W3C verifiable credentials
  • Participating organizations issuing SMART Health Cards may also agree to be listed in a common registry of issuers with appropriate conformance testing and associated trust framework
  • Where appropriate, participating organizations may also be called upon to assist in the issuing of other records like diagnostic tests, or other ways as needed to ensure the success of the initiative

Recently there has been a leak or a release of documents about the effects caused by Pfizer’s “death shot” and the list is long and deadly to read or listen to. Here is a list of the problems associated with the injection in the link below.

All this after two years; remember it was about your health and just two weeks to flatten the curve. You be the judge.


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