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“Laws against paedophilia violate human rights!” What is going on here?



Photo by lucas-metz on Unsplash


Some years ago, a crime reporter named JoJo Chintoh said, “There is no right way to do a wrong thing.” Klaus Schwab and his WEF World Economic Forum crew need to hear this.

It takes a special kind of sick organization, or government to argue that the world should consider decriminalizing sex with children, arguing that laws against “age gap love,” more commonly known as paedophilia, “violate human rights.”

The WEF is one such disorganization that thinks that this is cool and should be tolerated by the rest of humanity. Schwab even goes as far as saying that the rise in pedo-crimes is “nature’s gift” to humanity.

According to a research paper presented at the WEF in Davos, the paedophile phenomenon represents nature’s attempt to cleanse the earth and “save humanity” from itself. The paper attempts to make light of a deadly crime against children by calling Pedos “Minor Attracted People.”

The script went on to normalize and glorify this act by revealing their so-called findings which said, “Paedophilias are far less likely to produce large numbers of offspring,” according to academic data, and the so-called “underage people” they have so-called “relationships” with are statistically less likely to go on and become heads of large families themselves.

It is becoming painfully obvious now that the agents behind this agenda have no use for and no interest in the normal human family whatsoever.

I am not exactly surprised; after all, when you can be sent to prison for opening your church, but be encouraged to lessen the penalty for someone who has sex with underage children, there is definitely something that is off.

Imagine, the WEF would like to have families believe that protecting the rights of paedophilias should take precedence over everything else, because if paedophilias don’t feel safe, they cannot reveal their illness, nor seek treatment.

Here is a small piece from a famous American news station, “Paedophiles are not ‘monsters,’ or “social deviants living in the shadows.” According to the network, it’s high time for society to update its image of paedophiles.

It seems like the goal here is to get the children thinking that this is normal; after all not so long ago, Klaus Schwab was caught bragging about how the World Economic Forum had completely infiltrated education systems in many countries, and according to him, if children are exposed to the WEF ideology at a young enough age, they can be easily controlled.

The same news network went on to say, rather than considering child molesters the lowest of the low, folks should reach out to them and seek to understand them, because “One cannot choose not to be a paedophile.”

That said, and with mainstream media on the bandwagon to endorse and accelerate the globalist agenda, folks can expect to be faced with more and more of this evil unless the masses unite and reject it.

Here are some of the cunning languages that we need to be on the lookout for.

  • “Age gap love,” — translation of grown adults who have sex with children
  • “Nature’s gift” — trying to imply it is ordained by God
  • “Underage people” — children

These are just a few of the words globalists used to polish up their dirty acts. The depopulation agenda is no longer a conspiracy theorist thing anymore, it is out in the open. A few months ago, a so-called judge in New Zealand declared that 12-year-old children can consent to sex with adults.

According to another research paper presented at the WEF in Davos, the paedophile phenomenon represents nature’s attempt to cleanse the earth and “save humanity” from itself.

Deception is the order of the day in the globalist society, so to survive, one must do the opposite of whatever the agenda is.

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