Personal Development

Leading through turbulence




Now more than ever people are dealing with an unprecedented amount of change in the workforce. From moving to a virtual work environment, blurring the lines of family and work, to having to modify the way in which they interact with people, work has changed for many people. These changes lead to mounting stress levels that are sending people into temperamental spirals that may leave us feeling powerless, as if we have no control to manage how our work-life is unfolding.

I believe you can show up in the most difficult of times as a leader regardless of your title. A true leader isn’t about authority at all. A true leader has a desire to impact, influence, and inspire others. We cannot control events that will unravel at work or in our life for that matter. We can, however, manage our responses to the events that take place.

To impact others at work, we need to show up with a sense of empathy and strong communication skills. We need to understand what the other person is going through and their mandate and objectives and then get really clear on communicating. Leaders are always trying to understand what is happening with their peers and co-workers and provide a safe haven for communication. They get out of their own head and focus on the larger collective while ensuring a safe space for a win, win.

I ordered a coffee last week and the woman who provided it to me was a leader. She left me feeling impacted because she took the time to ask me how my day was and how I was dealing with the lockdown and with this, she listened intently to my response. She made me feel heard and that I matter all in a quick five-minute exchange about coffee. I was having a turbulent day, issues floating around in my head trying to resolve them and she pulled me back to reality with her smile and grace and this impacted me for the rest of the day, perhaps even week. That is showing up as a leader no matter what your title is.

To be a leader, you want to influence others to do their best and this takes trust.  We have to be impeccable with our word so that the people we are leading know it is safe to follow us, to open up to us, and to share authentically. We have so many examples of senior leadership or politicians trying to use their influential power to push a personal agenda. If we want to be a leader of influence in our workspace, we have to ensure that we are asking ourselves if what we are influencing is in the highest good and if it will inspire action.

Leaders leverage their creativity and inspire others to do their same. It is our creative energy that separates us from animals and gives way to the collective consciousness and in this space, we can create new ideas and ways of problem-solving.

It is essential to ask ourselves, now more than ever, how can we show up as leaders and light the way through the darkness regardless of the obstacle we are facing.  How can you be more of a leader in your workplace?

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