Walk on the path
Decorated in liberation and freedom.
The wind blowing petals from
Tulips , yellow roses, nerine
Symbolizes true independence.
A gift of free will,
Often get taken advantage of.
Speak out fortunes of consistency that cloaks around the soul filled homes,
From peering eyes and inner doubtful thoughts.
In order to serve a greater purpose
There are external and internal weights
That is mandatory to be released from.
Life is like a series of surprise quizzes and exams.
It continues to repeat and crank up the heat
With each turn
Until the lesson is applied to the fullest extent.
The longer something is held against their comfortability,
It will lash out in pits of fire and volcanic explosions.
The yearning to make amends can act like
Curtains over common sense.
But the sooner the remedy of release is consumed and digested
The rewards and riches in entering a new stage
Will be like salve
Promoting healing at a fast pace.
Finishing what it had started.
Don’t give up hope
Keep pushing,
You are valued throughout generations before and generations after,
A game changer in the making!