Sometimes it feels like life is moving so fast, the time is chugging by and before you know it, the end of the year will be here. Have you ever felt that way before? Like you were immersed in a certain project and then you look up and it’s been weeks? This unfortunately has happened to me on numerous occasions in different parts of my life. As I reflect on it today I have come to create some strategies in my life so that I can enjoy the moments. I feel that when I am in this time warp I forget to be present. I am so focused on this project at work, or so focused on my health that I forget to balance and be grounded. So, I thought I would share with you today a few things I do to help myself stay focused on the important things even when there is so much going on.
Breathe. You might be like what? Yes breathing can ground you in the present. When you focus on your breathe you can eliminate everything else and really be present with yourself and others. I would suggest taking breathing breaks a few times a day just to bring yourself back to reality.
Schedule the things that are important to you. If you have a spouse/significant other, kids, workouts, yoga, painting, etc. Of course the list can go, schedule them and make it non-negotiable. While you are in this busy time, make a certain day of the week date night and hold that space and time for it. Make sure the things that you want to be doing in your life are important, just as important as the other focuses. People make time for things that are important, so make sure you do the same with the important things in your life.
Remember it will always get done. Sometimes we are stuck under a deadline, we feel the need to keep pushing, we are really wanting to hit this goal and we go all in. Sometimes we push too much and coming out on the other side, we are drained, sick and unmotivated. Pace yourself. It will all get done. You can do it all, just be smart about it.
Keep yourself around positive people and positive things. When we get busy we sometimes drop the ball on personal development. We might get into associations with others that have negative mindsets, the last thing you want to do is take that on. When you are tired, in the hunt and then you add on negativity, it will not work. I have been there and talk from experience. It’s really hard to be motivated when you are not thinking straight. So with that being said don’t drop the things that are important to your mindset. It’s probably the one thing that you can step into when the going gets tough. Keep those positive juices flowing.
We live our lives in ebbs and flows, that’s just the reality of our worlds. Our job is to keep on task, try and keep balance and be happy. If you can make all these work, you are doing a great job. So, cheers to your happiness and may you keep on the path of finding balance to achieve all the things in life you want.