Culinary Matters

Mofer Coffee; The best Ethiopian Café in Toronto “Everything will be a challenge. So never give up.”




I have never been to Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee.

Experiencing the Ethiopian coffee and breakfast meals of Mofer Coffee brought me there. Mofer Coffee roasts its naturally sun-dried coffee beans in small batches at their Toronto locations: 1040 St Clair Ave W, and 1577 Danforth Ave.

Every cup of coffee is prepared fresh in front of their customers. I usually like to add extra milk or cream in coffee. Team Mofer Coffee advised me to taste the black coffee prepared, with the best single origin premium Ethiopian coffee beans. I assumed it would taste bitter or awful. After trying a small sip of the black coffee, my coffee taste preferences changed forever. I experienced the rich flavour and authenticity of Ethiopian coffee. Milkyas, and Team Coffee, have recently launched Belgian Waffles prepared with Teff (fine grains from Ethiopia) with fresh fruits on their breakfast menu this year. I felt so energized after enjoying the waffle and black coffee.

Milkyas Tefera, is very knowledgeable about the products and passionate about his work. He started his business from his savings with a partner. The partner betrayed him, and ran away with the money. Then Milkyas decided to collaborate with business development companies and marketing agencies in Toronto. Everyone he met with his business plan forecasted that he would never be able to establish a successful business in Canada. A business development company mentioned that he was not capable of running any business. Milkyas, decided to set an example for new entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Born and raised in Ethiopia, Milkyas dreamed of a café in Toronto where people could come, taste Ethiopian coffee, and share their ideas to create a positive community. He is always interested in keeping the Ethiopian culture active in Canada, so he accepted the challenge, established his business plan, and opened his first coffee house at the St. Clair location in 2016. The neighbourhoods and coffee lovers embraced the unique concept and relaxed café ambience. Katie, an employee of Mofer Coffee, mentioned that new customers became their regular customers after the ultimate coffee experience. She also mentioned that during the pandemic, clients were dropping by regularly and purchasing coffee to ensure their favourite place remained open.

Whenever Milkyas faced a roadblock to establishing the business, he created a way to do it by himself. For example, he crafted most of the furniture and other decorations in the coffee shops by himself. Every Ethiopian New Year, Milkyas donates from his savings to support Ethiopia’s school.

Whether you are seeking coffee to boost your day, or searching freshly roasted coffee, Mofer Coffee has the best ground coffee in town.

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