The Poetic Word

Mother Nature’s Heartbeat




“I stand with the brothers and sisters out in Edmonton, for the incognito meeting about removing the drums out of the women’s institutions across Turtle Island.”


The rhythm of the drums

Beats to the melodies sung by Earth



Singing songs for her offsprings

Creations big and small

As she rotates with her galactic body,

A speck of the universe’s creation itself.


Her heartbeats are mimic into forms

Of miniature creations of songs.

Ceremonies and gatherings

That the wisdom is passed on

From generations,

The elders share amongst all.


In the depths of the belly of the beast,

Brothers and sisters united for years to bring traditions inside

As the sounds are the symbol of life

And hope in a place far away

From everything surrounding,

A world that continues to move on.

Forgetting everything on the other side of

The wall.


For years all was well

Till the root of all evil flourished

Intertwining with roots that were thriving,

Established before greed.

Now all are at risk of combusting into an


Collateral damage like the black holes

Consuming the molecules of hope.


Decision making with groups made

Of contracted beings

That will act to save and rise their positions

No matter which foundations get destroyed.

Outside world wouldn’t bat an eyelash

As it doesn’t concern them at the current state.

Only the cracks will seep of residual damage would people know.

But by then it would be too late.

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