I am ashamed of our Canadian politicians, at how easily they can be manipulated by the President Elect Donald (let’s make a deal) Trump. Gathering together to plan possible scenarios as responses to threats made by a man with the vocabulary of a ten-year-old. Have these politicians viewed the man’s book “The Art of the Deal,” or asked some psychologists their opinion of the man, the way he acts and responds to others? Probably not!
Donald can read Canadians; unfortunately, what he sees is a people with a minority complex and a significant inability to exert themselves before others internationally. Forever second fiddle to our southern neighbours, Canadians don’t realize the power we have, and the tools that allow us to negotiate with our American brethren.
If they put high tariffs on Canadian goods going into America, we charge higher prices for the energy we send to America. They play dirty with our trade policy and agreements, so can we. Next time Southern Florida needs timber, because a hurricane destroyed parts of the state, we can consider their need while not jumping to their tune and requirements. We can be friends, allies and the people who show up when America needs us, or we can act and think just like the Donald. Instead of America and Canada are number one, we too can present the logo Canada is #1 period.
America needs our energy, our natural resources, our spending power, our diplomatic alliance, our political and diplomatic influence internationally, our ability to make better automobiles and so on. The Donald does not see Canadians as a different people from Americans. Cultural and national differences mean nothing to a once revered celebrity idol.
To make a deal one must: look larger than the other, make more noise than the other, and appear ready to financially devour the other. When you hear Donald Trump suggest that Gretzky should become Prime Minister, one should either laugh, or cry at the absurdity of the suggestion.
Canadian politicians need to grow some huge balls and be prepared to take on the American bear. Naturalists will tell you that a bite from a beaver to the leg of a foot is extremely painful. So, if Donald continues to push, let’s attack his image, wealth, and power base. However, our politicians will spend their days studying what our response should be, and by the time they know, we will already have become a few new States within the US Union.