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Not just a reunion; It’s a powerful catalyst for unity and growth. Welcome to the 10thBiennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference


“Under the theme ‘United for Jamaica’s Transformation: Fostering Peace, Prosperity and Youth Empowerment,’ this year’s conference promises to be a pivotal platform for collaboration between Jamaicans, the Government and other stakeholders, as we work towards achieving the national development goals.” Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith

There is definitely excitement surrounding the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference, and this excitement was evident at the launch that took place on Thursday April 4th, 2024, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, 2 Port Royal Street, Kingston. The Conference theme is “United for Jamaica’s Transformation: Fostering Peace, Productivity, and Youth Empowerment,” and the hybrid event will be held June 16th – 19th, 2024, at the Montego Bay Convention Centre. It will be the first in-person conference since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Jamaica Diaspora Conference is a signature biennial global forum that connects Jamaicans and persons of Jamaican descent living across the globe with the aim to strengthen linkages and build alliances that will fuel Jamaica’s growth and development on the world stage.

Since its inception, participation in the conference has steadily increased and as such this year’s target is 5,000 participants. The conference highlights that the Jamaican Diaspora represents much more than their ability to produce remittances, with its significant untapped economic impact on entrepreneurship development and the transfer of new and emerging skills.

Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Honourable Alando Terrelonge, who carries the day-to-day mandate for Diaspora Affairs, explained that the conference will also celebrate the cultural heritage and achievements of Jamaicans worldwide, while providing a platform for networking and dialogue on critical issues facing the Diaspora and Jamaica. He said marketing Jamaica as ‘Destination Trade and Investment’ and using the conference to provide key linkages for investment opportunities, is to “Get Jamaicans across the diaspora to invest in Jamaica, see investment returns, and see yourselves earning money.”

“Everyone knows Jamaica for its sunshine, but Jamaica is more than our beaches. It’s more than coming down and having a Red Stripe beer, having some jerked chicken or going to Dunn’s River Falls. Jamaica is also one of the best economies in the developing world,” the State Minister said.

Key stakeholders, including Conference Chairman Mr. Courtney Campbell, Legacy Partners VM Group, GraceKennedy Group, and Jamaica National Group Limited, were lauded by both Ministers for their unwavering support and contributions to Diaspora engagement.

The Thursday rising launch also saw the attendance of other Government Ministers such as: the Honourable Delroy Chuck, Honourable Franklyn Witter and the Hon. Marsha Smith, as well as representatives from a slew of Jamaican business conglomerates, who have expressed their enthusiasm for the upcoming conference, emphasizing the importance of unity in propelling Jamaica towards unprecedented growth and inclusivity.

Guests attending the Conference this year will have thematic sessions addressing the following:

  • Educational transformation through digitalization: exchange, exposure and opportunities for self-actualization in Jamaica and the diaspora
  • Embracing the migration compact: sustaining a thriving diaspora
  • Breaking barriers and building futures: empowering Jamaican communities with citizen security, entrepreneurship, digital age technologies, and productivity, in partnership with the diaspora
  • Empowering the youth for the future economy: actions and pathways to success and paying it forward
  • Tourism and wealth creation

During her keynote address, Foreign Minister the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith, highlighted the significance of the diaspora’s contributions to Jamaica’s development including strategic partnerships in various sectors: healthcare, education and other socio-economic sectors. She also shared that the Ministry anticipates the official launch of the Jamaica Diaspora Engagement Model (JAM-DEM), to also explore trade and investment opportunities aimed at furthering Jamaica’s development.

Guests also have the Marketplace to look forward to, as well as the Government at Your Service sections which will facilitate access to a wide range of services from both the business and public sectors. The Diaspora Day of Service will take place on June 20th, 2024, and will entail a wide range of charitable projects pioneered and supported by the diaspora across the country. In some cases, there is broader coordination from within regions and some initiatives are pursued at the individual or organizational level. Projects are registered on an event platform to facilitate broader support, coordination and reach.

The launch had surprises like a digital dollar giveaway, and other engagement surprises that ensured that as the world gathers in Montego Bay, this in-person conference after five long years will not just be a reunion; it’s a powerful catalyst for unity and growth. Register NOW to be a part of this historic homecoming.


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