Why is the world silent?
When those in their slumber
Still scream out for justice!
When another life becomes
A hashtag or a hot topic
Please try to hold back
From being performative!
Why is the world silent?
After accusing those who are tired
Of the same results
From short lived movements.
For the same cycles of outrage
Dies down and forgotten
They will patiently fight the world
Just as nations fought long before
The pandemic.
Why is the world silent?
After the lion roars
At the elephant in the room
Becomes agitated.
The mouse that was judged
On making any difference
Is the same one
The elephants fear
On making its move
In silence!
Why is the world silent?
After being intoxicated
On premature celebrations,
That were never declared
Why the silence in this world?
Only half a month
Then the crowd moved on to
Greener pastures
Leaving behind day ones
To be plucked
By lurkers!
The world’s silence
Is why no one believes?
In any public out roars
And why no one takes anything serious
This world being silent
Is the reason
Why these poems
Will continue to be repetitive.
Even though being told
To become numb to it
Even one soul being
Genuine about this war
Is more than enough reason
To write a whole library
On this world’s silence.
This world need to stop
Being comfortable in silence (x4)