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“Peaceful civil disobedience is our duty!” Worldwide Rally for Freedom Welcomes 20,000 peaceful protestors


An estimated ten to twenty thousand people flooded the streets of Toronto on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, for the 2nd Worldwide Rally for Freedom. The eclectic crowd gathered at Queen’s Park to protest against lockdown measures, and although most were strangers, there was a deep sense of community as people smiled, laughed, hugged, and connected. The rally kicked off with a song called “No New Normal,” performed by Canada Rising Up featuring Felipe and Ty Nicholson, followed up by a handful of speakers before the march.

Dr. Emad Guirguis, a surgeon and family physician for thirty-five years, stated, “Real science discusses all possible treatment options while political science only discusses one. The Covid game is permanent. It’s meant to bring us more variants, viruses, vaccines, laws, and endless restrictions. We the people must oppose this unscientific plan.”

Dr. Ronald Brown has a Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology and is currently studying epidemiology at the University of Waterloo. He spoke on the clinical trials of the messenger RNA vaccines and how the FDA disregarded the absolute risk reduction of the vaccine, which is 0.7% for Pfizer and 1.1% for Moderna. He also revealed that the Chinese Commission of Health narrowed their cases to find that only two people have died from Coronavirus in China over eleven months. You can watch his full explanation in an interview as well as the rally on

Sarah Choujounian, an RPN who spoke on behalf of the Canadian Frontline Nurses Association, states their mission is to unite as many nurses as possible, educate the public, and bring ethics back into healthcare. “The medical industry has not only failed us but has been deceiving us for decades. Most, if not all, illnesses are preventable or curable through self-care, natural treatments, and mindfulness. Big Pharma does not want you to know that; they want us to stay sick and broken,” claimed Sarah.

Rob Stocki of Police on Guard for Thee states, “The power of the government to govern relies on the consent of citizens; however, unless the government is honest, they cannot offer informed consent. Remain peaceful but do not obey. Do not surrender your rights to illegal laws. Do not sit home and rot. Peaceful civil disobedience is our duty when the government suppresses us.”

Maxine Bernier, leader of the PPC and member of End the Lockdown Caucus, expresses that freedom is the basis of our civilization. “We are losing basic rights and freedom because of the policies of authoritarian governments across the country. No more lockdown, no more curfew (in Montreal), and no masks for children in schools!” 

Some of the other speakers who offered encouraging words included Teresa and Jonathan of Huf Gym, Dermot Pomprey of, Zoe and Shawn from Druther’s, and Vlad of Hugs Over Masks and We Are All Essential. In addition, Sgt. Paul Brown made an appearance despite being suspended after showing support at Huf Gym.

Another speaker that goes by “Perception Shifter” revealed that there is far more evidence that meditation can turn war off like a switch than there is that aspirin reduces headaches. “It’s a war on human consciousness…this battle is not physical, and we win by coming together.” 

After the speeches, protestors marched through the city, and many returned to Queen’s Park to find an after party with a live DJ playing dance music. People talked, danced, and enjoyed the evening in the park until approximately 7:45 pm. Despite one arrest and a few counter-protestors, the day was peaceful and joyous.

Some believe anti-lockdown protests are nothing but “super spreader” events but have you ever wondered why mainstream media fails to cover them? Is it because they don’t fit their narrative? Could they be worried you may hear professionals speaking the truth, which may inspire you to take your life back? After fifteen months of the same non-evidence-based narrative, are you questioning the government yet?


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