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Peel Public Health makes adjustments that reflect directions from the province


As the cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Peel, Peel Public Health has seen it fit to make adjustments that reflect directions from the province.  Mississauga News reported on October 5th, 2020 that Dr Lawrence Loh (the Medical Officer of Health with Peel Public Health) sent a letter to all families in Peel. The letter indicates that if there is a confirmed positive COVID-19 case in a school setting, all the students and teachers will have to leave right away. The letter states, “Please have a plan for your child to be picked up during the school day in these situations.”

It will be mandatory that self-isolation occur for students and staff if there is a positive test result. If other family members attend the same school and they do not show any symptoms, they are free to continue attending school. The letter reads, “If our investigation reveals that testing is needed, we will provide you with further information on testing, and when you can safely return to school. If students or staff develop any symptoms, testing is strongly recommended. If the investigation reveals low risk of spread, you will be informed when the class or cohort may return to school.”

Important symptoms that parents, guardians and caregivers should look out for are: fever, cough, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell when deciding whether their kids should stay home or go to school. If they are exhibiting one or more of these symptoms, it is important that they be tested for COVID-19.

In addition, a child must not go to school for a minimum of 24 hours if he or she starts experiencing: a sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue or muscle aches. After that time, if the symptoms subside and there is improvement, then the child may go back to school.

It is crucial that a child be tested for COVID-19 if there are at least two of these symptoms, or if only one of them continues for a protracted period of time.

Dr.Loh writes that, “If you’re unsure if you should be tested for COVID-19, speak to your healthcare provider. If your healthcare provider recommends testing and the student does not get tested, the student must self-isolate for ten days at home from the start of their symptoms.”

Dr. Loh explains further that, “Students with symptoms who are tested for COVID-19, and their household members, must isolate at home while waiting for the test result.” These three conditions must apply before students or staffs are able to return to school after a negative test:

  1. They do not have a fever (without using medication)
  2. It has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms started improving
  3. They were not in close contact with someone who currently has COVID-19

In the event that someone in a family exhibits COVID-19 symptoms, they should all quarantine at home. If there is a subsequent negative test on the person with symptoms, then they can go back to normal. Dr.Loh notes, “We recognize these steps may be very disruptive to your family. We can stop the spread of COVID-19, but only if we all work together. Thank you for helping keep your family and school community safer.”

Those interested in obtaining further information can access it at the


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