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Pushing your freedom of speech to the extreme: The Americas fractured



Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash


“Who dares not speak their free thoughts, are slaves.” (Euripides)

Freedom of Speech: The right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas. America’s Constitution states in the 1stand 14th Amendments the right to express information, ideas and opinions free of governmental restrictions. The government can restrict such rights if the speech poses a clear and present danger to the safety or public interests of society.

Ideas are protected in most democracies and nations of the world, even many that are apparently even deeply offensive. Ideas that are acted upon are often outlined, seen as propaganda of insurrection and protest. Such things are happening in Latin American Nations. Twenty-seven former Presidents of the Americas have spoken up about the obvious assaults upon the free press, carried out by political wings of the right and left, murder squads that work for various military and police organizations, powerful corporations vying for property and influence upon national industry within the continent.

Former Presidents participating in The Democratic Initiative of Spain and the America’s Group (IDEA) spoke forcefully against the unending kidnapping and murder of reporters in the Americas. Organizations such as: Inter-American Press Society, Freedom House and Reporters without Borders stand with IDEA denouncing this war upon America’s democracy, democracies all over the world in fact. Various governments have forced the closure of award-winning press centres such as: Página Siete in Bolivia, Radio Caracas in Venezuela and La Prensa in Nicaragua.

In El Salvador, self-expression through the press or publicly is not guaranteed as the government dilutes the constitutional freedoms of its people. For journalists, they can remain silent, or leave the country before something terrible happens to them. In Guatemala a threatening imposed system of intimidation, silencing and restrictions on the press has resulted in the rape, murder and disappearance of journalists. Many journalists face criminalization by these governments, weaponizing the judicial system as a way to end opposition.

In Mexico and Costa Rica, many in the media have fallen into place, being used to manipulate the public. Much of the media’s revenue comes from the public pocket and cartel advertisements that tear down honest democratic politicians while lifting up political stooges of the government and criminal organizations. These advertisements claim former presidents and political opponents dishonour the nation, seemingly spitting upon their national flags. Many within the presswork for these criminal, or totalitarian organizations throwing accusations against the opposition in favour of corrupt officials running for office. Many are forced, intimidated and their families threatened, so they do the predators bidding.

Corruption, selfish ambition and alliances to various superpowers, influences have threatened the destruction of “The Purveyors of the Truth.” Much of Latin American, Asian and African Democratic Movements with their partners in the free press will soon become extinct, victims of the public’s fear of dictators, and those who financially support tyrants.

Whether in El Salvador, Mexico or the USA, political and financial forces lay hidden in the shadows, but also in the face of democracy represented by Lobbyist and special interest groups working to distort the truth, and manufacture falsehoods that benefit their financial and political masters.

In 2022 over 50 journalists were murdered, a far cry from 2012 when 157 suffered their fate. Remember that the truth is found on their lips, written words and expressions igniting the people’s imagination and hunger for democracy. Mexico, Ukraine, Haiti, Syria, Yemen, Brazil are just a few nations where these murders have happened. Many journalists disappear, never to be found.

The Implication of tolerance and a spirit of openness, without which a democratic society cannot exist, are under threat. Journalists, soldiers of the truth and freedom of expression are becoming an endangered species.


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