Personal Development

Shielding yourself from the world


An interesting subject matter for this month of January. Let me build you a story. You sat with yourself on New Year’s and reflected on the year that had just past, all the lessons you learned, relationships that came and went, the struggles you endured and decided that 2019 was going to be different. You set goals, reminded yourself that you are worth it and can achieve. You created lists and plans for execution.

Then January 2nd, 2019 hit, and you are out with friends. You decide to share your discoveries and talk about your plans for the new year. Then it happens, the questions. “Well, how are you actually going to achieve that” “Be realistic that isn’t who you are” “It does happen that way, you need to” and I could go on and on. You feel defeated and it’s just the second day of the year.

Well here’s what I am going to advise you to do. Set your goals anyways. Stand in your space alone if you have to, but don’t give up on what you want. Those that are aligned with your goals will come out of the woodwork to encourage and support you. We all have people in our lives that we can and can’t share our goals with, unfortunately. We have the cheerleaders and then the wet blankets. It’s just the diversity of life. However, we need to protect ourselves from the wet blankets. From the ones that want to take our light. If they are still in your life, because you work with them, or they are family or maybe even your spouse (sorry about that if it is) you have to really weigh out how much you share with them and how much time you spend around them. We all have choices in our life. We really do, sometimes you feel that you don’t, but you really do. If you are wanting 2019 to be a year of change, you are going to really need to arm yourself with tools to take you there. So here are a few suggestions.

Set your intentions (goals) for the year and make sure you post them everywhere that you can see them. The first month of the year is always great but it takes some stamina to really push through the rest of the year.

Create a plan and work the plan. The plan will align your intentions and the actions will get you the results.

If you find you need help with focus find an accountability partner, group or coach to help you this year and make sure you stay on track.

Lastly, find positive people and organizations to align yourself with. This will help you stay committed as you are feeling happy about life. It’s important to be in this space and have people aligned here with us.

Whatever you want 2019 to look like you can have it. Choose who you spend your time with, be smart about your choices and lean into change. You got this!

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