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Six steps to ensure you are on course for your New Year success


With 2021 now in full swing a lot of us have adapted to this new beginning and started setting goals. With every New Year there is a tradition all around the world to set New Year’s Resolutions. For those unfamiliar with the term New Year’s Resolutions, it is when people write down things, they intend to change or improve their life for the beginning of a new year. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Exercise to get in shape/lose weight
  • Save money
  • Eat healthy
  • Start a business
  • Learn something new

However, the reality is less than 8% of individuals actually stick to and complete these goals they set for themselves.

There are a variety of reasons why only 8% of individuals actually complete these tasks set for them. One of the main reasons is lack of productivity, not only when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions but with everything we do in our daily life.

The basic guide to kick-start your productivity this year

  1. Start with precise small goals: Many of us treat our tasks as if they are sprints, when it is indeed a marathon. If you have a big project that needs to be done, rather than planning to finish it in one sitting, break it up into parts.

    For example, I first research everything I think I need before I start an article on the day it is assigned. I then plan a day to write out a rough draft, and closer to the deadline I then proofread, or I give myself a small break between parts of my tasks.


  1. Make a to-do list: One of the best ways to remain on task is to make a list of everything you need to have done. It is best to do it the night before or the morning of. This is a way to keep yourself on task and crossing tasks off your list is the best feeling. It is also important to give yourself small rewards after completing any tasks.


  1. Wrestle the bigger to-do first: No one wants to do this, however when you are finished your most challenging tasks, the others seem like nothing.


  1. Tell someone what you have planned, so they can hold you accountable. This can be as public as you like; you can just tell a close friend or family member, or you can post about it on social media. Personally, when I tell anyone I am going to do something it forces me to actually complete it so when they ask how it went, I have feedback; instead of saying I didn’t do it.


  1. Avoid addictive irrelevant activities: Many of us, especially me, have a tendency to start playing a particular game, or open a particular app or pick up that book and we stay there for hours, and then question where the time went. It is in your best interest to avoid these things at all cost during your tasks. We all need mental breaks, so maybe if you must, reward yourself a ten-minute break of whatever your time-wasting activity is.


  1. Make it a habit. Maybe creating a to-do list isn’t your cup of tea and that is fine. The goal is to find whatever works for you no matter what or how weird it is, and include it into your daily routine.


You got this! Make your life full of accomplishments and if you have any other tips feel free to mention it in the comment section of our website.


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