A Look At Society

Society’s future is based upon a false economy



Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash


The entire world is drowning not in water, but in massive unpayable debt. This situation existed before the pandemic, but the pandemic gave our governments the needed tools to carry on into blinding debt. Blinding because politicians, public and private managers and most of us don’t talk about our portion of the private and public debt that hangs over us like the sword of Damocles. Our eyes are wide shut, and our ears covered by the headphones we paid $350.00 for with our credit cards. Like the three monkeys of old, not hearing, seeing or speaking about DEBT.

Nations whose populations live in poverty, and 2nd-3rd nation status nations trying to build their economies so they can live the Kardashian lives, like the “national Jones” of the west and east alike. National politics disallow politicians from considering their budgets and debt levels. It’s all about staying in power, so spending must continue so that their allies, supporters in the middle-upper classes, continue to support them.

Our personal lives present people with two things in their hands: electronic devices and credit cards. Since one’s feelings have become so important during these difficult days, denying oneself is often never an issue, unless credit limits have been reached. Credit denial, and interest rate increases follow. We use credit cards to pay for gas, so we can go to work, providing an income that will dwindle as one’s bills are partially paid for, never paying all. Things will be better next month, you tell yourself.

Our need for personal emotional uplifting allows us to continue to pay less cash, more credit. Not that many people save their income. Society’s future is based upon a false economy where most things are paid for with borrowed money. What will happen when the credit roller coaster stops abruptly? Perhaps recession and possible national or international depression?

When will governments return to balanced budgets? Can private citizens receive a high school economics lesson regarding personal budgets, and how to save for a rainy day?

Power in relation to finance is a full scope issue. So long as we have the power to choose for others, or ourselves regarding finances both governments and private individuals are in peril, especially if both public and private sectors show no accountability or transparency regarding what, why and how much is spent on our behalf.

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