
Start 2020 with a clean slate or just…..clean


It is Vince Lombardi who said “The difference between successful people and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” In many cases this sentiment rings true. Often times those that make it in life and become successes are persons who have demonstrated a high level of resolve when it comes to pursuing and achieving their goals.

Some time ago I met a young woman at an entrepreneurship boot camp, and she immediately impressed me. She had a real passion for what she was doing and it was clear that she was very expansive in her thinking. She just wanted to be great at whatever she set her hand too.

Most people I have met in the business landscape want to be known as a: manufacturer, accountant, fashion designer etc., and absolutely nothing is wrong with that but I must honestly say I am just fascinated by what I call the “Renaissance Mind,” people who are just about exploring their: capacity, themselves fully, their potential, and their limits.

Nastassia Morrison is what many would consider a serial entrepreneur. Her education at the University of the West Indies was in the arena of business, and on leaving university she got an amazing job at a multinational organization, and proved her mettle there through eleven years of hard and dedication.

Over time though, her inner entrepreneur started crying out for more; more challenge; more possibilities. In her own words, she outlined that she found herself at a point where she was “operating at a place of no passion.”  She said, “I couldn’t continue like this so I planned my exit strategy for two years and left in 2017 to start my company.  She started Concepts2Reality Events and thrived in that venture because, when you get to know her, you realize that she is a social butterfly.

Her most recent venture is the one that people should be on the lookout for. It will disrupt the way people in Jamaica source quality domestic services and caregivers. The brand is called HomeMaid, and they have already started offering their services in: Kingston, St. Catherine, St. Thomas and St. Ann. Speaking about HomeMaid she said, “People should have a reputable professional company to serve them and their homes, that’s part of our mission.”

Nastassia believes strongly in empowering the women that work with her. She stresses: self-love, honesty, integrity and family, a few of her core values. Her team members undergo additional training that adds value to their jobs e.g.: personal development, and first aid to name a few. She ensures that her ladies are top class because her own son inspired the idea for Home Maid. As her life got busier, the need for after school care became a pressing issue and she had some difficulty getting the right person to care for him.

When she finally found the right person for her child it was like finding hidden treasure. She wanted to help other parents and homeowners to avoid the level of trial and error that she had to experience, and just like that, HomeMaid was born.

The time is right for this venture and its application goes beyond just the borders of Jamaica. Someone who is living in the diaspora can use the platform to get quality caregivers for children who are still living in Jamaica and elderly parents. One can arrange for their homes to be cleaned remotely. The possibilities are endless. If you are in the need for quality home care, you can connect with her online at her website at https://homemaidjm.com/about/. As consumers, we have many options to pick from, but there is something just special, when it’s HomeMaid.

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