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Succumbing to the seduction of sensationalism; What needs to be learned from the Eligio Bishop story




In the cacophony of breaking news and sensational headlines, amidst the clamour of media frenzy and the relentless pursuit of the next big story, there lies a stark truth often obscured by the blinding glare of sensationalism: the human story, the one that whispers of pain and trauma, the one that demands understanding and empathy amidst the chaos.

When the spotlight of the media falls upon a narrative fraught with drama and intrigue (R. Kelly, P. Diddy) it too often succumbs to the seduction of sensationalism, weaving a tale that titillates rather than enlightens, that shocks rather than educates. In its relentless pursuit of clicks and views, the true essence of the story is lost, buried beneath layers of hyperbole and exaggeration. Today, I bring a story that checks off every box that I mentioned above; the story of Eligio Bishop (aka, Natureboy).

Eligio Bishop, leader of the alleged cult Carbon Nation, was found guilty on March 1st, 2024 on all counts, including: rape, false imprisonment, and revenge porn charges. The verdict, delivered by a Georgia jury, marks a significant milestone in a case that offered a disturbing glimpse into the operations of the reported cult.

Eligio, who also goes by the names “Natureboy” and “3God,” faced allegations of raping a former cult member attempting to escape, followed by posting explicit content online. The trial unfolded, shedding light on the cult’s practices, particularly its use of social media to propagate its holistic lifestyle and teachings.

Eligio (40 years of age) was arrested in April 2022 after he was accused of being the alleged leader of a cult known as the “Carbon Nation” group. A former member, who identified herself as his girlfriend, told police he posted revenge porn “Because she left him.” She also told law enforcement that she’d joined a “Sex cult in which her boyfriend is the leader.”

Now, I want to be sensitive about this topic and honour the stories of the women who have come out. What he has subjected these women to is atrocious and comes from a very dark part of this man’s soul. I am also going to play angel’s advocate; amidst the noise, there exists a story that cannot be reduced to mere headlines and soundbites. A story that demands to be heard in its entirety, with all its complexities and nuances laid bare. It is the story of a young man, a story that speaks of unspeakable horrors endured in silence, of wounds inflicted not just on the body, but on the very soul.

When a young man is subjected to the cruel trifecta of: sexual, emotional, and physical abuse in his formative years, the repercussions reverberate far beyond the confines of his immediate reality, and so seems to be the case with Eligio Bishop, a story that I find strangely familiar to R. Kelly’s. His memories and thoughts echo through the corridors of his mind, leaving scars that may never fully heal, and have shaped the trajectory of his life in ways unimaginable to those who have not walked in his shoes.

This is not merely a story of victimhood, nor is it one of villainy. It is a story that demands justice, that cries out for accountability and recognition of the profound harm inflicted upon the innocent.

I had a chance to listen to stories of a man who began his life as an orphan growing up in the foster care system and was: sexually, physically and emotionally abused until he and his younger brother Leo were adopted by the Bishops, where the emotional and physical abuse continued until he was able to escape the madness that had become his life.

In a research study titled, “Recovery Experiences from Childhood Sexual Abuse among Black Men: Historical/Sociocultural Interrelationships (2022),” the researchers share that childhood sexual abuse is increasingly recognized as a significant global problem, with self-reported figures being estimated at 7.6% for males and 18% for females.

The report shares that despite the limited research documenting the experience of Child Sexual Assault (CSA) for ethnic minorities, there is evidence to suggest that African-American men were less likely to admit having current adverse effects from CSA, than the other ethnic groups Of those who did admit to present day adverse effects, it was found that many reported difficulties with hypersexualized behavior and substance abuse, and this more often than Latino and non-Latino White men.

African-American males may experience particular pressures to minimize or deny their sexual abuse experience because of socio-cultural norms formulated by historical legacies of patriarchy and oppression.

Participants’ narratives in the study suggested that African-American men who survive CSA are under added pressure to adhere to hypermasculine and hypersexual norms, and as a result, engage in congruent behaviors as a way of coping and reclaiming their masculinity, which has supposedly been diminished or lost as a result of the abuse. This might also explain observations that Black men with CSA reported difficulties with hypersexualized behavior and substance abuse, more often than other men in their study. Participants’ accounts suggest that such behaviors might have a protective effect against stigmatization and adverse psychological and emotional effects of CSA.

The narcissistic, sexual and manipulative behaviour that was reported by some of the women who encountered Eligio speaks to the research that is out there. Reports of abuse (emotional, physical, and sexual), and aggressive behaviour are all the manifestations of a troubled young boy, who exists in a grown, tortured man’s mind and body.

One victim shared, “Women weren’t allowed to wear shirts, so we started wearing leaves. Women had to have sex with Nature Boy. He considers himself to be God. He went from ‘I’m your higher self’ to master teacher to God.’ He believes he is the end all be all — the alpha and omega.”

In a 2022 interview with police that was played in the courtroom, Eligio denied raping anyone. “I have all of these women. Why would I rape someone? I have five women. Why would I rape a girl? I’m a lady’s man,” he told the officer interviewing him. His alleged victim said the incident occurred when she failed to refer to him as “My king.” At that point she said he asked his wife to leave the room, then proceeded to force the victim to have sex with him.

Unfortunately, his don’t care attitude and haughtiness are not serving him and are definitely not aiding his cases. During the hearing, Eligio appeared dismissive, engaging in casual conversation with the bailiff and displaying a lack of remorse. This prompted scolding from DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Stacey Hydrick. Bishop’s attempt to communicate with the judge and the victims resulted in a muted courtroom, emphasizing the gravity of the charges.

In his brief remarks before sentencing, Eligio Bishop asked, “Are you happy?” to which the judge responded, “I’m not answering any questions of yours.” Bishop, seemingly unrepentant, stated, “I forgive, I forgive you,” addressing the judge. Judge Hydrick, unswayed by Bishop’s words, characterized him as a “Master manipulator,” and a classic narcissist.

Are Elgio’s actions forgivable; for many no, but in the relentless pursuit of truth, let us not succumb to the allure of sensationalism. Let us instead strive for understanding, for empathy, for a deeper appreciation of the human experience in all its complexity. For only then can we hope to truly comprehend the magnitude of the suffering endured, and work towards a future where such atrocities are but a dark chapter in humanity’s past.


Alleged Georgia Sex Cult Leader Eligio Bishop Sentenced To Life For Rape

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